People Suck


Thought this would be a great thread since I seem to post about people sucking in the pet peeves thread. It is a pet peeve, but I figured a thread about people sucking might be necessary.

Today has been a great day, until I went out in public….

Typically I can easily grocery shop without any anxiety, except at Winco. Been there twice and both times I hated every second of it. First time there, my wife was 7 months pregnant and she about got nailed in the belly twice and hard! This time an idiot didn’t say excuse me and just reached over over my infant child in her car seat in my shopping cart for a large glass bottle. Then the self check out register kept freaking out at me and no one was around for assistance…

On the way home, on my street, some idiot was driving like a drunk ass. They were swerving, slow then fast, then full stop. So I passed him, then he gunned it past me. Then at the last corner he came to a complete stop and got out of his truck and freaked out on me for “driving like an idiot”. He asked, “did you just move here from California?”, he asked my wife if she is drunk and all this other shit. Then he followed me past my house.

I’m getting a shotgun tomorrow. Not that I don’t have guns, but another one would be nice since that ass knows where I live. I will also forever carry in my Jeep from now on.
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Thought this would be a great thread since I seem to post about people sucking in the pet peeves thread. It is a pet peeve, but I figured a thread about people sucking might be necessary.

Today has been a great day, until I went out in public….

Typically I can easily grocery shop without any anxiety, except at Winco. Been there twice and both times I hated every second of it. First time there, my wife was 7 months pregnant and she about got nailed in the belly twice and hard! This time an idiot didn’t say excuse me and just reached over over my infant child in her car seat in my shopping cart for a large glass bottle. Then the self check out register kept freaking out at me and no one was around for assistance…

On the way home, on my street, some idiot was driving like a drunk ass. They were swerving, slow then fast, then full stop. So I passed him, then he gunned it past me. Then at the last corner he came to a complete stop and got out of his truck and freaked out on me for “driving like an idiot”. He asked, “did you just move here from California?”, he asked my wife if she is drunk and all this other shit. Then he followed me past my house.

I’m getting a shotgun tomorrow. Not that I don’t have guns, but another one would be nice since that ass knows where I live. I will also forever carry in my Jeep from now on.
Damn that sucks brother, it seems like it just keeps getting worse each year. There’s no better home defense than a sound of a 870 racking a shell into the chamber 👍
People are the worst. We had this discussion yesterday that driving, stores and restaurants bring out the absolute worst in people
I notice that pick-up truck drivers are the biggest offenders these days. Used to be mini-vans. They become inflamed if they are not at the front of the line of traffic, and if you are not driving 25mph over the limit as they want to do. It is infuriating when one of these alpha-drivers passes everyone in a no-passing zone but then drives no faster than the traffic was moving before.

Not sure why pick-up truck drivers are the most aggressive and angry these days. They used to be the most courteous.
I notice that pick-up truck drivers are the biggest offenders these days. Used to be mini-vans. They become inflamed if they are not at the front of the line of traffic, and if you are not driving 25mph over the limit as they want to do. It is infuriating when one of these alpha-drivers passes everyone in a no-passing zone but then drives no faster than the traffic was moving before.

Not sure why pick-up truck drivers are the most aggressive and angry these days. They used to be the most courteous.
Very true, such idiots!
I constantly question what having an assault charge on your record would really mean these days. I'm no badass by any means but when people get out of their cars and challenge you it's very hard to be the mature person anymore. And people are much more confrontational. Like, how dare you question my right to be an obnoxious douche? SMH.
We had gone on vacation the last week of May to Arizona, it was great! People were overly friendly, the hiking trails were awesome, but when we got back to Texas, complete opposite. Being born and raised here, and with all the "Texas is so friendly", it's really not. Jeeples are friendly, common folk, not so much. Wife and I can't wait for our daughter to graduate, so we can move to a more scenic and drier climate.
Yup, people truly suck. It is a BIG part of why Cindy and I got into Jeeps. To get away... far far away from them.
I thought moving to where I did was enough. Bozeman is getting so many assholes it’s annoying, I’m ready for a smaller town.

I constantly question what having an assault charge on your record would really mean these days. I'm no badass by any means but when people get out of their cars and challenge you it's very hard to be the mature person anymore. And people are much more confrontational. Like, how dare you question my right to be an obnoxious douche?
It was hard not to get out, but I was about to start driving away. That psycho dick would’ve probably played dumb and I would get vehicular assault.
Happens way to often where I live. I usually just kill the ignorance with kindness.... drives them nuts. lol A few months ago I lost my shit on a young dude that was being a Dickhead.... he pulled next to me yelling his BS, so and yelled back, "Maybe you should slow down and stop driving like an Asshole!!!... so of course he gets triggered and says " yeah well Fuck you and your Bitch Ass Son too".. then drove away... (My son is 11) What kind of person says that to a young kid? I just kind of laughed at that point, apologized to my Son... and told him that's what happens when parents Fail at raising their kids.
We had gone on vacation the last week of May to Arizona, it was great! People were overly friendly, the hiking trails were awesome, but when we got back to Texas, complete opposite. Being born and raised here, and with all the "Texas is so friendly", it's really not. Jeeples are friendly, common folk, not so much. Wife and I can't wait for our daughter to graduate, so we can move to a more scenic and drier climate.
I feel this is becoming everywhere.l for the most part.
I constantly question what having an assault charge on your record would really mean these days. I'm no badass by any means but when people get out of their cars and challenge you it's very hard to be the mature person anymore. And people are much more confrontational. Like, how dare you question my right to be an obnoxious douche? SMH.
Moab ring a bell? 🤣
I constantly question what having an assault charge on your record would really mean these days. I'm no badass by any means but when people get out of their cars and challenge you it's very hard to be the mature person anymore. And people are much more confrontational. Like, how dare you question my right to be an obnoxious douche? SMH.
That never happens, especially wound never happen in Moab 🤣🤣
Humans never cease to disappoint me. Just when you think they have done their worse some shit-bag takes it to another level.
That’s exactly what that shit-bag last night did.

I was talking to my wife today and I thought, he probably lost an argument or fight and just had to take it out on the next person that he ran into.
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