People make mistakes, it's how you own up to them that counts!

I have to say, I'm inspired by people on this site. There have been a several times since I joined that someone didn't read the rules and did something stupid. Like post something for sale! Most new people get super defensive and start firing back (which never works out in their favor) others own up to their mistake. Make an apology and keep their head up. Contrats to those people and being willing to admit you did something wrong and ask/hope to earn a second chance. :thumb:
Indeed. My first day was a major doosey here. Still love it here!

I remember that first day, and thought sure you were gonna call us all a major group of :asshat:'s and start another "I hate Wayalife" thread. Glad you hung in. Well played.:yup:
I bet I know where this came from... *gulp* I think mine hit a bit lower than trying to sell something. I plan on sticking around for a second chance if you all will let me, thanks for the advice.
Indeed. My first day was a major doosey here. Still love it here!

Just the first day? ;)

I think all of us has stepped in it a couple times. The guys that really want to stay seem to be able to suck it up & move on.
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