Painted black grill


Guy with a Red 2-Door
so i see in just about everyones pics that there front grill section is painted black and on a few red ones it looks sick!:rock: makes me what to do it to mine now. what product does everyone use to paint it? Easy job?
I know a lot of guys use Rhino Lining to do thier grills. I've been interested in this as well so I look forward to further reponses.
I used plasti dip. It is very easy to apply and is removable.

That was my first guess as to what i was going to use. seen plenty of videos on youtube and looks easy.

i am also looking forward to see what else people have applied to their grills to get the look!
I took off the grill, and washed it with hot water and soap in the bath tub(front and back) dried and painted
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