
I've wanted to go to Coilovers for a couple years now. I ordered EVO's bolt on Front and Rear along with their 4" long arm system. Beefed up my 44 front axle while I've had it apart.
Bolted in the front passenger side and got a wild hair to go buy a welder....
It's been over 25 years since I've run a bead untill tonight.ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1374121394.497545.jpg
Thinking I will weld the kit on along with bolts after I practice a bit. Thoughts? Is it overkill?
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NOPE! If you can weld it, do it! But you will be able to see a good amount of the weld, so if you havent run a bead in a while, it wouldnt hurt to practice a bit!

edit: this is just my opinion and I am apparently a bit of a RA-TARD
That is a debate which has been hashed out long ago. You can never go wrong with welding something until you decide to change it. Your weld looks good. A lot better than what I can do.
too clarify, wasnt saying that your welds were not good, just want to make sure your were "in practice" and "comfortable" before you started... :thumb:
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