Or-Fab v EVO Tire Carrier


Word Ninja
So, I have now installed one of each, neither on my own Jeep so I don't want to hear any "you like it because you bought it" comments.

Here is my take. They are both great products, but they are not in any way, shape, or form the same thing. If you are trying to choose between the two...you need to rethink what your own needs are. Personally, I thought the EVO was an easier install even though it took twice the amount of time. Maybe I'm just better with a wrench, but I felt like like it took us less time to hit the sweet spot. Having the right tools, and some basic install knowledge, is an absolute must with the EVO. The EVO is rock solid, and unbelievably easy to operate even with a 37" on board.

That said, the OR-Fab works well, is a lot less expensive, and looks pretty darn good with the 35" and under tire crowd. If you aren't worried about catching your tire on ledges, don't want to mess with nutserts, and like the looks, the OR-Fab is also a great choice in my opinion.

Moral of the story: figure out what YOU want and what YOU need. Many of the products out there look like they generally do the same thing when in reality they don't. Sure, a budget boost will let you run 35's; so will a true 3" lift. They aren't the same though...by a longshot.

Before I installed one, I honestly didn't think I really wanted an EVO carrier. Having now installed one, seen how it goes together, and really felt how it operates, I can't imagine NOT getting the EVO carrier. For me and my needs, I just don't think there is anything else out on the market that even comes close. Again, that is for MY NEEDS...take it for what it's worth.

Just my .02. :beer:
Well sharkey. I was looking at Or fab. If you'll cover the difference, I think I'll go EVO too. 😉

I've seen several in person and do agree the EVO carrier is in another league from the ORFAB. I'm also considering the genright carrier which is still considerably less than EVO, basically because it doesn't require skins. It's gotten great reviews from reputable folks on the forum.

Really appreciate you taking the time to give your insight on the two with first hand knowledge. I trust that though some argue "heresay". I'm still a little bit out from building up my jeep, but spending time reading posts like yours will help me make knowledgeable choices. 👍👏
And to be fair JAGS, I've never installed or even operated the Genright so I have no idea what it is like. My suggestion is to test as many different styles as you can before making your purchase.
^^^ Yep, I like them too. Although I haven't installed one, I certainly played around with one. For a bumper/carrier combo I would go with LoD as well. Clean lines and very solid.
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I like my Lod bumper & tire carrier. ;)

I loved my LOD bumper/carrier. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a solid bumper/carrier. It is also nice to be able to add the jerry cans/roto paks and trail rack. :thumb:
old thread I know but got a question

Any body know the difference in the tire height for these two? Meaning what is difference for clearance?
Well sharkey. I was looking at Or fab. If you'll cover the difference, I think I'll go EVO too. 

I've seen several in person and do agree the EVO carrier is in another league from the ORFAB. I'm also considering the genright carrier which is still considerably less than EVO, basically because it doesn't require skins. It's gotten great reviews from reputable folks on the forum.

Really appreciate you taking the time to give your insight on the two with first hand knowledge. I trust that though some argue "heresay". I'm still a little bit out from building up my jeep, but spending time reading posts like yours will help me make knowledgeable choices. 

The skins was the main reson for me getting the genright originally, now that I am thinking about skins I am looking at the evo carrier again. I do love my genright tho since I have never had a rattle or anything come from it. My only problem is a pin thats hard to remove but thats due to my install of the side plate being slightly off. Also wanted the tube size to match my stinger.
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I went with the or-fab with rotopax. Installation was ok but need the right tools. My main reason I went with it was that I don't plan going bigger than 35. I would have loved to put a Evo but considering my need and wallet, Or Fab was much more suitable. Part of me wished I should have gone with genright instead but that's just the psychological side of things you don't have (I guess).

The only downside of this carrier would be departure angle which I have not had the chance to try on a trail yet. Spoke to Or Fab rep and he told me they designed the carrier so the spare sit a little higher than oem and in fact it does. Still need to test it thought.
I was thinking of going with the OR Fab with no cans. There are 3 versions -- no cans, rotopax, cans. I ended up getting a deal on a used Shrockworks rear stubby with carrier.

Looks like the Evo is the best choice if you're going to 37's though. I've seen it, definitely heavy duty. I'm not totally crazy about the 'rear stinger' look though. Gen Right is also nice. A step above the OR Fab, but not as heavy duty as the Evo. The Evo just looks like it can take more of a beating.
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