So there’s a private 4x4 club near me that has an awesome piece of land they use for wheeling, it’s open to the public for certain events a few times a year and I’ve been waiting for a chance to be able to go, they’re open this Saturday.
Here’s the kicker, as I was giving my Jeep a once over today I noticed a tiny amount of gear oil pooling up on the bottom part of the knuckle, assuming it’s from an axle seal on its way out even though my Jeep has just over 10k miles on it which sucks. I’m assuming this would be covered under warranty and I’ve already called every dealership within reasonable driving distance and the earliest anyone could look at it is next week. So here’s my question, would it be an insanely stupid idea if I took my Jeep out on Saturday, took it easy on the trails and brought gear oil with me, keeping an eye on whatever leaks out and top it off if needed?
Just curious if anyone has ever been in a similar situation and how you handled it, thanks!
Here’s the kicker, as I was giving my Jeep a once over today I noticed a tiny amount of gear oil pooling up on the bottom part of the knuckle, assuming it’s from an axle seal on its way out even though my Jeep has just over 10k miles on it which sucks. I’m assuming this would be covered under warranty and I’ve already called every dealership within reasonable driving distance and the earliest anyone could look at it is next week. So here’s my question, would it be an insanely stupid idea if I took my Jeep out on Saturday, took it easy on the trails and brought gear oil with me, keeping an eye on whatever leaks out and top it off if needed?
Just curious if anyone has ever been in a similar situation and how you handled it, thanks!