Off with the Hard on with the soft!


New member
I got a 2015 JKU and just removed the hard top and put on the OEM soft top. Any tips out there for keeping it in good condition. Fold techniques etc... That one should know about. BTW the top is very soft compared to my old 2001 jeep soft top. I like it!
My soft top has been treating me well since I put it on in March. No leaks at all. I found mine to be a bit difficult to latch initially. Having someone stand on the outside and pull down on the rear bow above the back seats brought the top forward slightly and allowed the latches in the front to hook. Be careful when cleaning the windows not to scratch them.
I like to use simple green when cleaning it. Works great. Spray let it soak the use a kitchen scrub brush and then wash it down
Meguiers Plastic Polish for the clear windows.......a polish every now and then will keep them crystal clear.
I found a brand new Mopar factory hard top with everything that is needed to install it for 1580.00 shipped to my door. When I bought my Jeep the sales manager said they give me a top at their cost...2400 bucks. I forgot just how slimy car dealers are. Promise the sky until you sign the dotted line, then never deliver.
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