odd sound can't pinpoint


New member
Just wondering if any fellow JK owners have experienced this; I have a "thumping" sound coming from the rear. It sounds like something is sliding around in the back and hitting up against the fender wells, and it makes a distinct thumping sound..like a bowling ball rolling around..and it only does it during left turns. I've been under the jeep to see if anything is loose, but I found nothing. I know it's an odd question, but its driving me crazy. Anyone else experience this?? Thanks!
If it's a rythmic thumping, it's probably rotational. If it only does it on a turn, I'd have to think you're hearing the lugs on your tires rubbing something. Have you checked to see how close your tires are to the sway bar links ends?
Yep..that's what I initially suspected it to be. I've also checked my tools in the little trunk compartment, the spare tire/carrier, the bumper, shocks, control arms, wheels, ds. Im starting to fear that it could be the rear end, but I don't believe the "thump" sound would be indicate a rear end problem. :thinking:
Yep..that's what I initially suspected it to be. I've also checked my tools in the little trunk compartment, the spare tire/carrier, the bumper, shocks, control arms, wheels, ds. Im starting to fear that it could be the rear end, but I don't believe the "thump" sound would be indicate a rear end problem. :thinking:

Sound has a way of traveling, I might check up front to make sure that your lugs aren't rubbing on the sway bar arms, control arms or frame rails. Having said that, your rear axle is attached to a track bar and up and down movement will cause your axle to shift. Turning will also cause it to shift and it's it's already close to something like a sway bar link, brake line, etc, the shift caused by a turn can cause it to rub on whatever is close to it.
It' just one distinct thump when I turn left. Its not only heard, but its also felt. I was keeping my hopes up that its something simple and stupid, but I've pretty much ruled out everything simple and stupid. Lol
I'll climb under there again and look for any indication of rubbing. I did check the front shocks, sway bar, ca's, etc and found nothing loose or moving around. I'll check what has been suggested and report back. Thanks!
Well, originally, you said "thumping" as in, it happens more than once but, if it's just one thump, it's probably not your tires and more likely something shifting. I would double check your track bar to make sure the bolts are tighten to torque spec. I would also check the frame side bolt to see if it's making contact with your bump stop extensions (assuming you have one installed) or coil. If you have a track bar relocation bracket installed on the axle, check that bolt for any contact it might be making with the coil as well.
I did some more crawling around under the JK last night, and while I couldn't find anything loose, or rubbing, I did notice that the springs are bowed, and don't appear to be quite centered on the perches. I'm thinking this is where my "thump" sound is coming from. I'm planning on getting adjustable control arms, so would that help straighten the springs back out? I haven't checked pinion angle (just eyeballing it, it doesn't appear to be way off), but the back tires look like they need to move back about an inch to be centered in the fender well. Also, would spring correction wedges possibly help? Thanks!
Check your plastic wheelr liner.

I took my stock fenders off and had to trim my wheel liners to fit the new xenon fenders. didn't fasten liner bolts tight enough and made same thumping sound. maybe thats it. Hopefully thats what making the noise.
I took my stock fenders off and had to trim my wheel liners to fit the new xenon fenders. didn't fasten liner bolts tight enough and made same thumping sound. maybe thats it. Hopefully thats what making the noise.

that's something I haven't checked, so I will now. Thanks.
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