No start/alarm issue


New member
Good evening,

I recently purchased a 2008 JK. I am experiencing an issue where the engine occasionally refuses to start. I can hear a click, which almost sounds like the starter is trying to start but abruptly stops. The issue is completely intermittent, and after a couple tries it always starts up again. Battery Is new and alternator is good..

I am also experiencing another issue where my Jeep’s alarm goes off whenever I lock or unlock the doors using the wireless key fob. I have tried different keys and it does it with all of them. It doesn’t do it every time, but does do it fairly often.

Through some research I’m thinking this could be a problem with the WCM (wireless control module) where static electricity may have shorted out the module. I have seen a TSB about this but am leery about going to a dealer.

Has anyone else experienced this or know a possible fix?
I’ve experienced the click with a charged main battery a few times in the past. Each time it was due to a battery cable not making solid contact with the battery’s terminal. I would recommend that you clean the terminals and connectors. It won’t hurt, it will be one less thing to look trouble shoot, and will at least help make ensure the electrical system works well.

I haven’t had the FOB issue with the alarm sounding.

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I also have a 2008 JK and had both issues that you described. I'd have to attempt to start it 3-5 times before the starter would engage, and it was intermittent. I changed the starter and it got worse! I put the original one back in and haven't had a problem since. I think it may not have been aligned correctly with the flywheel...not sure?
For the alarm and no start...I had a bad key.
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