No code throwing ass 2012.


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Any guesses welcome.
Driving home from work I noticed my speedo dancing around. Then 5 minutes later it dropped to 0 and the brake light and abs light came on for half a second. It did this twice. The second time the airbag light was lit and the engine sputtered.
Check all your fuses to make sure they are fully seated and your battery cables are tight, sounds like something is loose and or grounding out somewhere.
I've had this happen to me and seen it on other JK's as well. First, double check your battery leads to make sure they are on tight and have a good clean contact with the terminals. This is especially something you need to look at if you have a 2012-up as the clamps get pinched on when tightening up the tapered nuts. If you've added any new electrical components to these points, it can prevent the nuts from tightening up the clamps. Second, if you've recently installed any electrical components and used any of the nuts along the inside of the fenders as a ground, double check to make sure they are on tight or, remove whatever one you just used to ground off a device. These points are critical to the system computer and can provide a bad feed with other terminal connected to it. Even if you don't have anything on these grounds, tighten them anyway.
Any guesses welcome.
Driving home from work I noticed my speedo dancing around. Then 5 minutes later it dropped to 0 and the brake light and abs light came on for half a second. It did this twice. The second time the airbag light was lit and the engine sputtered.

Im havung the same problem every so often. Well so far 3 times. Im thinking it might be my alternator going out. I went to Autozone to get the battery and alternator checked and they both were fine. Could be that its going in and out. Im guessing.

I checked my battery connections, alternator, and grounds from accessories. They looked fine. None were visibly loose. However, it's been a day and the problem has not recurred. Thanks for all the help. You guys are the greatest pit crew on earth! ;)
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