Next mod advice.


I need an honest opinion. I have a $2k budget for my next mod. I'm torn between two things.
35" Nitto grappler M/T's. Or a Warn powerplant and warn oem bumper mount.
I'm currently on 33"s with lots of meat left, but 35"s are very tempting. I also see the Winch and want to kill 2 birds with one stone, winch/compressor.
What would you do?
The winch will last for years and there have been a few time in my short wheeling life that I've already wished I had a air compressor and a winch. That is a tough decision though but I'd say I'm going to have to get tires sooner or later why not get the winch. My 2 cent.

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My honest opinion is to do both! Buy a set of slightly used 35" mt's off someone who upgraded to bigger. If your patient and good at haggling you can get a set for under $1k (possibly as low as $700) with 5k miles on them. You can do the same and get a good used powerplant winch for around or under $1k. Forums and craigslist are your friend :yup:
^^^ what chris said. i would shoot for both. look around and maybe you will come across a deal on some 35's and be able to get the winch at the same time.
I was hoping both you guys would respond. You always give good advice.
Tacker that's my thought too. But damn if 35"s aren't alluring.
Chris that's a great idea and I'll start looking around. Anything I should look out for with a used winch?
I'll be ready to buy after the 1st of the year.
I was hoping both you guys would respond. You always give good advice.
Tacker that's my thought too. But damn if 35"s aren't alluring.
Chris that's a great idea and I'll start looking around. Anything I should look out for with a used winch?
I'll be ready to buy after the 1st of the year.

look for a new winch and used tires chris was saying (i believe).

edit- i see he said slightly used. i need more coffee
This thread sparked my curiosity to look at winches on craigslist. Either warn winches hold their value remarkably, or people in my area are on crack... :naw:

Had you not found this great deal I would have recommended you stay with the 33's for now and just get the winch. JKMaddness has 33's and is capable of doing some pretty intense stuff.

This thread sparked my curiosity to look at winches on craigslist. Either warn winches hold their value remarkably, or people in my area are on crack... :naw:

Warn winches hold their value very well because they will run forever if you take good care of them. Eddie has said before that Moby has had the same Powerplant for 6 years now and as you can see from their videos, that winch gets uses a good bit.

There ya go! All I'd do next is get some POS cupped used 35" odd ball MT that isn't 10 years old or dry rotted and throw it on the back as a trail spare. Either free from a buddy or dirt cheap from a small tire company or junk yard :yup:

Either warn winches hold their value remarkably, or people in my area are on crack... :naw:

They do hold their value, but all things are negotiable when buying used from a person and not a store. I always ask more than I'm willing to take anticipating a buyer to haggle me down to what I really need/expect out of it.

Anything I should look out for with a used winch?
I'll be ready to buy after the 1st of the year.

Not really. You'll just want to hook it up and make sure it works. I only buy "pretty" winches from people who either took really good care of it, or only bought it because it looked cool on the front of their jeep but never used it. Just don't get one beat to hell and as long as its a warn, you should be fine.
I would go with the 35's. Figure if you get larger tires, you won't get stuck as much and won't need the winch. :D

I know people like using their winches, but most of the problems (I said most...) can be fixed with a strap. So get the tires, sell your old tires, you will have a good start on the winch.
That is a coincidence. I'll be looking to do this by the end of December. If you still have them we'll talk for sure.
U got it. The all terrains are best of both worlds IMO. Quiet on road yet OK for trails off road....but not if you are looking for intense offroading.

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