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So my 2013 jku ( auto, non rubi ) is going into shop today for regear and other stuff. Iam going from 3:21 gears to 4:56 gears. Now the shop that's doing the work told me I need to change the carriers in order to go to the deeper gears. They said 3:73 carriers were min to have in order to do deeper gears I want. is this a line of BS or Not ?.. Iam putting a ARB in rear and trustrac in front anyway, just want to know about the carrier thing is true or not.
It is true. You would need a new carrier to do this BUT, being that you're going to be installing an ARB and Truetrac, they should not be charging you for one as the locker/LSD will serve as your carrier.
Thank you, I new I could count on you. And no they are not charging me for install of truetrac, Thanks again.
Thank you, I new I could count on you. And no they are not charging me for install of truetrac, Thanks again.

Just to clarify, Eddie meant that they should not be charging you for a new carrier since your trutrac IS your new carrier.
Just to clarify, Eddie meant that they should not be charging you for a new carrier since your trutrac IS your new carrier.

Exactly. If you were to be getting something like a lunchbox locker, an Aussie Locker or Lockright, you would need a new carrier for them to install it in. A TruTrac or ARB will be your new carrier.
LOL!! It's all good, just wanted to make sure you weren't being charged for something you didn't need.

Just out of curiosity, what size tire are you hoping to run?
LOL!! It's all good, just wanted to make sure you weren't being charged for something you didn't need.

Just out of curiosity, what size tire are you hoping to run?

FYI I usually budget in for being over charged,must just be
Well then, 4.56 would get you to about stock performance but, if you'd like a little boost in power, 4.88's is something I might say is worth considering.

Yea I kicked that around for awhile but I think the 4:56s will do me fine. Just want to keep it some what real as this is my DD. Maybe down the road when I go to a D44 up front.
For more info/clarify (for anyone who stumbles on this thread by search): the carrier is what the ring gear bolts to. The ring gear looks like what it sounds: A "ring" that is flat on one side with "teeth" that mesh with the pinion. A full locker or limited slip is the carrier that the ring gear bolts to.

A pinion gear looks like a soft serve ice cream cone.ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1389026272.721446.jpg

Here's the ring gear bolted to a carrier.

Sent from a a few tin cans and some string.
Well then, 4.56 would get you to about stock performance but, if you'd like a little boost in power, 4.88's is something I might say is worth considering.

When you say 4.56 gets you back to stock, I'm always curious if this accounts for extra weight from bumpers, beefier skids, greater wind resistance from a lift etc.

What are your thoughts Eddie?

Only vehicle I've regeared was a ZJ on 31s and went 4.56. 4.11 in theory would have been "stock." My experience was the 4.56 was better with all the added weight of bumpers, winch, skids, rock rails, etc. My ZJ mileage in town went up by a couple while highway only suffered ~1/2mpg.

Would this be similar in a JK? I know a regear is in my 2~3 year mod budget.

Sent from a a few tin cans and some string.
When you say 4.56 gets you back to stock, I'm always curious if this accounts for extra weight from bumpers, beefier skids, greater wind resistance from a lift etc.

What are your thoughts Eddie?

Back to stock in the sense that your Jeep as is and without any mods will feel like it did when you bought it. I typically recommend a slightly higher ratio to help accommodate things like extra weight from bumpers, skids, greater wind resistance, etc. In this case, if it were me, I would have gone with 4.88's especially being that the difference in RPM's would only be about 400 at 70 MPH.
Back to stock in the sense that your Jeep as is and without any mods will feel like it did when you bought it. I typically recommend a slightly higher ratio to help accommodate things like extra weight from bumpers, skids, greater wind resistance, etc. In this case, if it were me, I would have gone with 4.88's especially being that the difference in RPM's would only be about 400 at 70 MPH.

Will 4.88s fit ok in a front D30? I am considering swapping gears and I know that 5.13s would be pushing it and I have no plans on going to 5.13s until I get a D44 and move up to 37s. Not sure if it'd be worth going to 4.88s being my Jeep seems to do OK with stock 3.73s, especially as a DD. Also, is it worth putting a locker in the rear or staying with the OE Trac-lock since I'd leave the front open?
Will 4.88s fit ok in a front D30? I am considering swapping gears and I know that 5.13s would be pushing it and I have no plans on going to 5.13s until I get a D44 and move up to 37s. Not sure if it'd be worth going to 4.88s being my Jeep seems to do OK with stock 3.73s, especially as a DD. Also, is it worth putting a locker in the rear or staying with the OE Trac-lock since I'd leave the front open?

yea they will work just fine. i went with 5.13 in my D30 because i plan on doing a PR44 and 37's at somepoint. plus my wheeling out east is different than out west. i am taking a gamble but it is worth it in my mind so i dont have to pay for a regear twice. 4.88 is a fine size in the 30
yea they will work just fine. i went with 5.13 in my D30 because i plan on doing a PR44 and 37's at somepoint. plus my wheeling out east is different than out west. i am taking a gamble but it is worth it in my mind so i dont have to pay for a regear twice. 4.88 is a fine size in the 30

5.13s in your D30? The D30 and D44 carriers are different, aren't they? Or did you just go to 5.13s with future plans so that you won't have to change out the rear when the time comes?
As mentioned, 4.88's is a good ratio for a Dana 30, about as high a ratio as I would go anyway. Anything higher and your pinion gets to be very very small.
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