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I'm looking to buy a 2014 jk sport but I've been hearing mixed reviews on the engine. What's y'all's opinion on it? Paying for it's gonna cost a leg and arm that's for sure.
The 3.6L motor is a HUGE improvement in power/performance over the old 3.8L. If I had one in my old 07, I don't know if I would have been so eager to do an LS swap. Having said that, the 3.6L that I have in my 2012 has had it's share of problems. Granted, that was the first year they put them out and I would hope that they got some of the bugs fixed by now. If it were me, I would do it again.
Just like you mentioned in the OP, you'll have mixed reviews on the 3.6L. Just as Eddie said, it has a ton more power and torque that truly tangible! But it seams like everyone (myself included) are having engine issues. Mine is a January 2013 built JK(supposedly after they corrected the head issue), Eddies is a late 2011 build date if I'm not mistaken. Mel has had to warranty his engine due to timing chains stretching or something and told that it can not be tensioned any further.

My 2007 3.8L was a slug but at least it was super reliable and I didn't fearfully look for the check engine light every time I turned the key. I am fearful of my warranty expiring and me having to foot the bill for the inevitable engine repairs in the future.

My personal opinion...While I absolutely love my '13 JK when its running as it should, I would have not upgraded from my '07. Spending 10k in price difference between my 07 sale price and my 13 purchased price and considered my need for more power vs a engine swap. :twocents:
I have a 13 and have not had any problems with my engine. I have had other issues but none with the engine. Granted I only have about 10k miles on it.
My wife has a '12 with the 3.6. It has had a tick since the beginning, and it is now starting to get worse. However, there is no CEL. I am almost wanting it to happen already, so I can get the head replaced before my warranty ends.

I have a 3.8l, and yes, it may be underpowered, but it is a reliable motor. I think I would choose the 3.8 over 3.6. Although, I would take a diesel over both! :))
I have a 2013 JKUR with the 3.6 + Auto tranny and the only issues I have had so far were the fairly common water pump squeal in the first 5k miles, and then the tranny oil line/power steering line rub recall (which apparently my dealer still doesn't have the parts for yet).

I only have 15k on it now, but those have been my only headaches both of which should be growing pains fixed in the newer year model. The power is very nice in comparison to several of my friend's Jeeps that I have driven(never was a prior jk owner), and I have enjoyed it thoroughly on trails and the highway.

It's nice being able to punch it at 65 and actually feel some decent acceleration or idle over most obstacles in 4LO.
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