N.E. California Earthquake

damn! We got the phone alert but were driving so didn’t feel anything
I’m curious to know how much it was felt there.

I felt a small jolt like a big UPS guy fell on my porch, and my dog freaked out a little. A moment later the house shook hard enough that it jiggled my fat ass lounging on the couch for about 20 seconds or so. I could hear the house creak a bit too.
Lol, yeah I bet. I woke up but didn’t know why, my wife said “whoa I felt that one.” Literally, that’s what she said.

I looked it up and was estimated to be about 2.5 MMI around there. Then I had to look up what MMI means.
You know, now that you mention it, I did wake up at about that time and used the opportunity to go to the bathroom. I bet that was the reason LOL
Unless it's a 7.0 I don't even flinch anymore.
Yeah... I live on a volcano, one of only two on mainland US to erupt in the 20th century. Earthquakes don't worry me near as much as Mount Lassen spitting volcanic rock for a 20 mile radius.
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