My death wobble thread


Caught the Bug
Read through the walk through here on the forum so I'm in the process of checking my track bar. Do these bushings look normal?
Driver side


Passenger side

Looking at the bushings won't really show you anything. Have a helper start the vehicle and turn the steering back and forth while you look for play. You'll see movement there if that's the issue. If there is movement, make sure bolts are torqued. If there's still play, check to make sure bracket holes aren't elongated.
Okay just checked that and did not see any play. I torqued the bolts to 125lbs just in case. Guess I'll move to the next step, thanks
Okay just checked that and did not see any play. I torqued the bolts to 125lbs just in case. Guess I'll move to the next step, thanks

How old are the ball joints? Those should be checked for play as well if you haven't already.
How old are the ball joints? Those should be checked for play as well if you haven't already.
I'll check them out today. I took it to a shop a couple months back and they said they were okay. I'm unsure how old they are but I do have 105k miles on the Jeep, I'd assume they are factory unless there's a good way to tell.
My death wobble...which literally almost killed me...was the track bar bracket. Both the stock bracket and the Tera Flex drop bracket were broken, torn, cracked and actually about to completely break off. I would get wobble oscilations at like 10 mph. It was bad.

So...check the track bar bracket on the frame side, and maybe the axle side too.

Oh, and my caster was off there's that.
The way I check for loose front suspension items is to have someone work the steering wheel back and forth rapidly with the engine off, while I place my hand on the trackbar, control arms, etc. A quick way to see by yourself, is to to work the wheel back and forth (engine off) and note if you can see the body rocking side to side in relation to the axle. If it does, then something that locates the axle is worn and/or loose. Then a helper can wiggle the wheel so you can verify what is loose.

I find that literally 9 times out of 10 it is trackbar related.Whether the bushings are work, the bolts are loose or the bracket is failed.

Good luck!
Just a little update. I've checked the trackbar bracket and everything looks fine. It's only a year and a half old but don't see any cracks or breaks. No play with the trackbar, drag link. Tie rod moves up and down but I'm thinking this is normal? My toe in was off by about 2/8. My steering wheel wasn't centered and both are now corrected. There was a little play when I lifted the tires and moved it left/right. I don't have a dial indicator to tell how much but I'll see if I can find one this weekend. My caster was around 4-5 degrees
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Just a little update. I've checked the trackbar bracket and everything looks fine. It's only a year and a half old but don't see any cracks or breaks. No play with the trackbar, drag link. Tie rod moves up and down but I'm thinking this is normal? My toe in was off by about 2/8. My steering wheel wasn't centered and both are now corrected. There was a little play when I lifted the tires and moved it left/right. I don't have a dial indicator to tell how much but I'll see if I can find one this weekend. My caster was around 4-5 degrees

Any play in tie rod ends or drag link ends is not normal. Now as far as the bar rotating in a pivoting motion is normal.
If you can rock your wheels when they are of the ground it could also be unit bearings. Bad hubs and bad balljoints combined can give you a pretty bad shimmy. My factory ball joints went out at about 45K miles

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So I drove it today and I used to get a shimmy in the steering wheel with the stabilizers installed around 40 mph thinking it's just the DW masked. So after my adjustments to centering the steering wheel and adjusting the toe-in I no longer have the shimmy. Could these have caused DW if it's not aligned correctly? I'll take off the stabilizers for sure this weekend to test it.
Took off the steering stabilizer today and took a drive up to 70mph and hit a couple bumps. No death wobble now. Apparently I had too much toe in. Thanks for the awesome write up Eddie. Another helpful learning experience from wayalife.
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