My better half


New member
So I proposed to my girlfriend last week. She has always supported my jeep obsession but has never really got into it. She always talks about wanting to camp (has never camped in a tent before) but I figured I would ease into it.

I think the best route is to start geocaching, then work it up to camping, then start suggesting road trips with fellow Wayalifers.

Am I going about this the right way?

Also, any recommendations on geocaching gps's?
First; Congratulations
Second; "Right way" is quite relative to a specific situation. I would suggest that on the first camping trip that you have a motel/hotel back-up just in case.
First; Congratulations
Second; "Right way" is quite relative to a specific situation. I would suggest that on the first camping trip that you have a motel/hotel back-up just in case.

Thank you.

O of course. I am going to find a typical campsite close to families before we start making it out to more remote area's. The good thing is she really thinks my jeep would look good with a gobi roof rack and an ARB rack tent...I make sure to cover the prices for both lol
Congrats on the engagement!! Being I'm a girl and live Jeeps AND camping... I'd make sure to get an inflatable mattress for sure... Her first time camping might not be too fun if it's spent on a hard, rocky ground. Make sure you first go to a site that has a bathroom and shower (but not TOO close... Smells) ... Going for days without showering and peeing in the bushes might not be too fun for a girls first time. ;) Also, make sure you pack a ton of food, stuff for s'mores (make it fun!) and definitely have fire starters in case you can't get a fire started. Nothing worse than a man not being able to start a fire for you! Plus make sure you have enough warm clothes and bug spray. Throw in a deck of cards or some games to pass some time and you'll be golden! :)
CONGRATS! That's awesome!
So the wife and I have a handheld Garmin with built in geocaches. It is a great way for us to get out and enjoy the outdoors together. She is a biologist so she loves it outdoors but the geocaches I think would be a great start to get her out with you.
Another option is do like a KOA type thing. Since they tend to have a well mainained tent campsites, private showers with hot water, and other amenities that a state park/camping park do not offer, it may a good way to start. Or you could stay in a cabin at a KOA. The misses and I camp a lot and I consider KOA tent camping to be luxrious. Of course just last summer we were backpacking in CO and pooping in a bag. It is all subjective but I think starting at a place that has all the amenities of a hotel might do well. But I would bring an air mattress for yall, folding chairs, maybe a battery powered fan, regular bedding, etc.

Our last KOA trip in CO ours had this nice bed of wood shavings.

Much better than bare ground.
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Whatever you do, don't try geocaching In Amarillo, TX.
I spent the better part of an hour in the back of a cop car a few years ago trying to explain it to them... Trust me, they really didn't care what it is or how it works. That pretty much ruined the whole idea for me and I haven't done it since.
Whatever you do, don't try geocaching In Amarillo, TX.
I spent the better part of an hour in the back of a cop car a few years ago trying to explain it to them... Trust me, they really didn't care what it is or how it works. That pretty much ruined the whole idea for me and I haven't done it since.

WTF happened? Manage to stumble onto private property?
No, the cache was in some bushes between the freeway and frontage road. Happened to be the very same bushes a high speed desperado tossed a bag of dope into the week before. They were staking it out hoping he'd come back to get it.
No, the cache was in some bushes between the freeway and frontage road. Happened to be the very same bushes a high speed desperado tossed a bag of dope into the week before. They were staking it out hoping he'd come back to get it.

Damn. That's crazy.
No, the cache was in some bushes between the freeway and frontage road. Happened to be the very same bushes a high speed desperado tossed a bag of dope into the week before. They were staking it out hoping he'd come back to get it.

Ouch right place but wrong time it happens
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