My 1953 M38A1 - after the rebuild


Caught the Bug
This is a picture of my 1953 M38A1 which I have owned since high school - a long time ago. Two years ago I pulled it out of a shed at my parent's and took my wife for a ride. It popped out of second gear on a downhill and scared her. She said, "you've got to fix that", I said, "yes dear".IMG_2403.jpg
Here's a picture before the rebuild. This was right after it had popped of second. She asked if it would be hard to fix, I said, "no dear - swap the tranny and we're good to go".IMG_0611.jpg
Here's a picture before the rebuild. This was right after it had popped of second. She asked if it would be hard to fix, I said, "no dear - swap the tranny and we're good to go".

Wow. You have put a lot of work into that. Looks great.
Carried away is a kind way to describe it. My wife calls it "grown men with tools drinking beer". She is not wrong. It started with, "if you're going to do this - why not do that". And you guys all know the rest of the story.

When I tell the story of how it all started, I usually get 2 questions: "does it still pop out of second" and "does she have a sister"?

No, to both.
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