Murphy's Law


New member
As Eddie says Murphy's Law dictates that what can go wrong will go wrong. Please share your silly or stupid mistakes while on the trail.

I'll start, I made the stupid mistake of leaving my spare at home for some unknown reason at the time and I ended up getting a flat on the trail at Hatfield & McCoy's and had to listen to my girlfriend bitch about how dumb I was :cheesy: but thankfully I was with good friends who were more than willing to help :yup: let's here your stupid mistakes
I was at the local wheeling spot with a bunch of friends, toward the end tried to stack jeeps, wet wheels started to slide and it led to him sliding off of my tire and putting his tube bumper right into my left fender.... Now everytime i see it, it reminds how being stupid can be expensive sometimes hah
2nd week of owning the jeep I tried to get cross a small water hole. Everything was going well until the last few feet...found myself in a dually's trucks tracks and stranded me for a good 2hours
First time taking my stock rubicon out passing a lifted up tj changing a flat asked if he had any advice. He told me stay out of the mud hole some of the water was deep. Good advice so avoided them when down this rock face ran into a deep puddle. So I turned back around a bitch of a time getting back up the rocks but made it. Murphy kicked in when I said screw it let get off the hard trails level two at Interlake in Indiana)and just do some trails well seen this tire rut with some deepish water I hit it hard and dig both diffs and have all four tire in the air. Hour and a half and using the regular jack and a dude on a four wheeler to push me finally got out lol 😎😎😎😎😎
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