MOBY's Going to SEMA 2015!


Staff member
It's been a while since Moby's been to SEMA and really for a good reason. Moby is almost 10 years old, is far from the new and shiny Jeep that he once was and let's face it, he's been used hard and has the scars to prove it. Needless to say, when Cindy and I were asked by Mel from Off Road Evolution if we could display Moby at the Dynatrac Baja 1000 Experience, we were a bit surprised but more than happy to oblige being that EVO 1 wouldn't be able to make it due prep work it still needs before the actual race. Anyway, it's been an uphill battle but, we've been working hard to get him cleaned up and ready for the show and, here are a few pics of what he looks like now.

Being that Moby will be in the Dynatrac Baja 1000 Experience display, we made sure to clean up his axles.

Of course, being that he will be showing at SEMA, we had to make sure he was stickered up for the occasion.




So long as you don't look too closely, I think you'll agree that Moby still looks great. And really, he's still got it where it counts and that's all that should really matter, right? :D

If you're one of the lucky few who will be attending the 2015 SEMA Show, Moby will be on display at 62109 which is outside and out next to the Dynatrac Trailer. :cool:
Wow that's awesome! Congrats to you for being able to show him off! Who cares about his age, it's the fact that he is one of the very few used and abused jeeps there which makes it great!
Congrats! Moby's one of the best looking Jeeps around and it's great that he'll get to be displayed at SEMA!
Looks awesome and congrats! Can't get over how awesome moby looks with the half doors. Has me thinking about half doors for after the winter.
If Moby could smile, he'd have a big grin from all the TLC. Rig looks great and he sure looks SEMA booth ready. [emoji106][emoji41]

It's too late this year, but I need to see if I can call on some connections and try to go next year. That would be a blast to be there in person.
That's cool that you were asked to show off a 'more used' vehicle at SEMA. The proof is in the pudding on video of what those axles will hold up to with your Jeep. What better way for a company to say, "You want to know about our axles? Here you go."
I don't know how that rig looks so nice with all the places it has been. I have watched the videos, must have a stunt double, ha ha. Probably just a great driver. Congrats on going to SEMA
Awesome, congrats! There may be a few dings in Moby, but that thing is still a Beast! I always find it refreshing at shows to see rigs you can tell are used and not just trailer queens!
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