Moab EJS 2024


Once again it’s time to travel to Moab for EJS, however this year it’s going to be a bit different. This year I needed to fly out to Nevada to pick up my JK and then from Nevada make the drive to Moab.

I survived the flight and thankfully this did not happen to my Boeing 737.

I stopped by MOTECH to say hello to Kalan and catch up. I also picked up a new cable for my AeroForce Gauge.

There are always some cool Jeeps to be found at MOTECH



I stopped by Costco for supplies. I happen to meet these two hitchhikers who offered to keep me company over the next several days. While I was taught never to pick up riders I thought these two looked like they could be a good time.
Sucks that Im not going to be able to make it out there this year.

Looking forward to seeing all the EJS pics!
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