Missing nut from air filter hose


I noticed today that there was a missing bolt on the air filter hose between the filter box and the throttle body, I took out the other one and went to home depot and got a replacement, when I got back I realized there was a nut in the plastic and that also fell. Anyone has any idea on the nut needed for it?
I noticed today that there was a missing bolt on the air filter hose between the filter box and the throttle body, I took out the other one and went to home depot and got a replacement, when I got back I realized there was a nut in the plastic and that also fell. Anyone has any idea on the nut needed for it?
Probably the one that fits the bolt. 😎

Build Thread - Adventures of Fiona - https://wayalife.com/showthread.php?t=47407
I have been missing one of those bolts since I bought my Rubicon, no problems in the last three years.

Typed by my very own fat fingers on my iPad or iPhone.
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