Memorial Weekend in Mojave


New member
First time posting but I didn't want anyone to miss out. A few of us will be headed out to the Mojave Area Memorial Day weekend for some camping and lots of wheelin. We will be meeting at the Avi Resort in Laughlin Friday morning, May 24 at 7am. We plan on leaving around 8. From there we will be doing a good 2 night trip through the national preserve and recreation area. Headed back home on sunday afternoon. Should be a lot of fun and probably pretty hot.
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I'm planning the same run in Nov. but in reverse. I'm starting in Barstow then 2 day in the preserve. And finishing in Laughlin, then stay at the casino. :beer:
Sounds like fun, just wrong time of year for a lot of us. We love the Mojave but we like heading up to the Sierra's this time of year. I'm sure you'll have great time.
First time posting but I didn't want anyone to miss out. A few of us will be headed out to the Mojave Area Memorial Day weekend for some camping and lots of wheelin. We will be meeting at the Avi Resort in Laughlin Friday morning, May 24 at 7am. We plan on leaving around 8. From there we will be doing a good 2 night trip through the national preserve and recreation area. Headed back home on sunday afternoon. Should be a lot of fun and probably pretty hot.

Are you following the Mojave Road? If so, are you going all the way through to Afton Canyon?
We are following the mojave road. Not sure about Afton canyon though. Ralphie has the trip all mapped out.

Very cool. The Mohave Road is on my short-term bucket list. This is about as late in the season as I'd want to do it, as temps have been warm enough to bring out the legs less animals in larger numbers. Maybe late in the fall I will run it.

I'll be looking forward to seeing your photos. Have fun!

Finally getting around to posting the pics of the trip through mojave. It was a great time. Pics were taken from my iPhone so it isn't the best quality.

It's amazing all the strange things you find in the middle of the desert.
Fort Piute
Cool Indian pictographs
My buddy's Rubi
Piute Canyon
Posing in the canyon
The old railroad tracks.
The penny tree.
An old rock cabin filled with bees!
My jeep.
Phallus Rock Camp
Good Eats
A nice little decline
Rock Springs
Government holes, windmill is still pumping strong.
Hole in the wall
The loops

Vulcan mine

We ended up at the Kelso depot where we grabbed a root beer float at the Beanery. Overall a good trip. Lots more to do out there on the next trip. I'm sure we will be posting up more pictures. Hope more of you guys can make it next time!


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