A few items just to mention that I ran into. It took me a day and a half. I only used a piece of plywood and a floor jack to drop the trans and transfer case together (trans jack would have been much easier. Plan for a extra pair of hands too). You must take off exhaust from headers back. Both drive shafts need to come off. You need to take out the center console and remove both shift knobs and the transmission shifter. Unbolting the transmission isn't bad EXCEPT for the very top two bolts, these were a bear to her out do to limited space. While putting them back in I took a bunch of extensions (about 3' worth) and a universal and just stuck it in from the back of the transfer case up to those two bolts which made it so much easier to get turns on the ratchet. Think about doing the clutch at the same time. I'll have more to come. Any questions you have just throw at me until I can get a legit write up completed.