Man films tornado that hits his house!

Being in Oklahoma, these are a common thing. Specially in the springtime. We usually jump in a vehicle and get on the back side of them and then follow them for a ways. I will not stay in a house and hide anymore.
Ok, but at what point do you put the goddam camera down and grab your kid thats scared shitless from the sounds of it?

"Watch the nails" he yells back at her...really Dad? I'd be carrying my kid, not worrying about recording...
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Ok, but at what point do you put the goddam camera down and grab your kid thats scared shitless from the sounds of it?

"Watch the nails" he yells back at her...really Dad? I'd be carrying my kid, not worrying about recording...

I completely agree. The least he could have done was throw some electronic chrome Christmas ornaments out in the yard before it hit, ya know, for science's sake.

I'm down for watching a good storm, always have been, but there comes a point in time where I'm protecting my family before anything else, and that moment would have been well before this video started. This guy is an idiot.
Maybe put your phone down and get your daughter some GD shoes. "I'm getting glass in my feet" "that's fine". Clown.
Ok, but at what point do you put the goddam camera down and grab your kid thats scared shitless from the sounds of it?

"Watch the nails" he yells back at her...really Dad? I'd be carrying my kid, not worrying about recording...

Yep, I agree.
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