Make your Jeep smart?

Seems kinda cool, would be interesting to use with out jeeps tho. Price point isnt too bad.

just drive like the vehicle in front of you pissing you off because they begin to coast at every signal in case the light changes and then accelerating like they have no purpose in life so that only 2 vehicles make it thru the green light and you can save the $100 for another mod. :naw:

just drive like the vehicle in front of you pissing you off because they begin to coast at every signal in case the light changes and then accelerating like they have no purpose in life so that only 2 vehicles make it thru the green light and you can save the $100 for another mod. :naw:
More than that. I think you can use it to do things like open your garage door as you approach the house, etc.
Other than the crash notification aspect what good is this? Can't find your car? LOL, really?! Gas cap is loose? :rolleyes2: The programmers most of us have can tell you what the code is. Or any auto parts store will give you a readout free.
Maybe the millennials think this stuff is great but the cynic in me just sees more opportunities for malware and big brother scenarios. No thank you!
Other than the crash notification aspect what good is this? Can't find your car? LOL, really?! Gas cap is loose? :rolleyes2: The programmers most of us have can tell you what the code is. Or any auto parts store will give you a readout free.
Maybe the millennials think this stuff is great but the cynic in me just sees more opportunities for malware and big brother scenarios. No thank you!
You're getting old :) Embrace that at any given moment, some system knows where you are. Big brother already exists. May as well have him open my garage door for me so I don't have to click it. Or call 911 for me when I crash into a tree.
More than that. I think you can use it to do things like open your garage door as you approach the house, etc.

I already have an app for that, came with my garage door lol

I get the "pitch" and to me it's the same snake oil as other fuel saving devices... it'll save you hundreds in fuel costs! I recall another similar device a few years ago that would warn you if you stopped to fast, took off to fast etc... all to save you fuel and hundreds at the pump! lol

Code readings can be had at any auto parts store for free but I don't think the "average" driver would know they can get this done as well as some of other free testing services that auto parts stores offer.

most the errors it may toss up like Gas Cap loose, I think every modern vehicle has a smart enough instrument panel to show these type of messages.

Hell - I already get tracked on all my trips via my phone lol, why would I want another device piggy backing off my data plan? I'm not keen to offer up my travel data to build up another database for that information to be sold at a premium. The toll roads already have most my data lol
You're getting old :) Embrace that at any given moment, some system knows where you are. Big brother already exists. May as well have him open my garage door for me so I don't have to click it. Or call 911 for me when I crash into a tree.

:cheesy: Am not!

Fair enough, I get the tracking/surveillance deal and its never going back unless you ditch technology, but it seems like apps and very soon, AI, will rule the world anymore.
Ever seen what happens to all the humans in Wall-E? :crazyeyes:
:cheesy: Am not!

Fair enough, I get the tracking/surveillance deal and its never going back unless you ditch technology, but it seems like apps and very soon, AI, will rule the world anymore.
Ever seen what happens to all the humans in Wall-E? :crazyeyes:
That's why I've been slowly replacing my feeble human body parts with machine counterparts. When the revolt takes place, I will be indistinguishable from the robots. Humanity's last chance. You'll thank me someday.
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