Loss of a friend in need of help!


New member
Hey everyone,
I wanted to reach out to you guys for some serious help!
My best friend died on Saturday night his name is Russell Wells.
I have known him since I was 12 years old and that is 23 years now.
Russ Worked at 4 wheel parts in Dallas back some time ago and several other local off road shops and was a Jeep and off road nut!
He had just bought a 2012 JKU and I helped him lift it and we put 37's on it.

Well as some of you know we had a pretty bad ice storm here in the DFW metro back about three weeks ago and he was going out to his jeep and fell on the ice. He fell so hard that he tore his tendon that held his knee cap. He had surgery to repair the damage right before christmas. Everything went fine.

Well over the weekend Russ little to our knowledge had a blood clot that moved from his leg to his main artery in his lungs and blocked that artery. He was not able to let anybody know he was in trouble and passed away on his couch with his wife in the other room.
When she woke up and realized he was not in bed she went out to the living room to get him to come to bed and found him unresponsive. She called 911 and they worked on him for 45 min and where not able to bring him back.

He was pronounced Dead at 11:35pm! HE WAS 34 YEARS OLD!

Russ's wife is 7 weeks pregnant with their first child and she is a teacher here in the DFW metro.
Unfortunately they did not have a very large life insurance policy and now she is a widow with a baby on the way and is unable to pay for the things that she needs to.

So if you would like to help Tifani please go to the following site.


Anything will help!!!!!

Thank You Guys!!
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Wow.. I'm sorry for your loss. It is crazy how fast and unexpectedly things can happen.. I don't really have the right words, but just know that his family and yours will be in our prayers!

My ride- 2001 power wheel, 11" plastic tires, upgraded battery, boat sides, custom bumpers, tow hooks, new paint.
Thank You guys!
It has been really rough and no one can prepare enough for anything like this!

Thanks Again!!
We are very sorry to hear of the loss of you friend and are sending our prayers to his young wife and expected baby. I don't know how much my family can contribute, this is a financially hard time of year, but we will do what we can for them as they clearly need the assist.
Wow that's terrible. So sorry for the loss of your friend and our deepest condolences. What a horrible way to go. My cousins old gf before he was married, came back here on a plane. She didn't get up on the plane, and developed a clot in her leg. She landed ok and called her parents and they said to call when she was home. She never called. They went over there and found her dead. Results were death from a clot that went to her brain.
Very sorry man.
So sorry for the loss of a great friend. Wishes and prayers go to the girl and her baby to make their life well and easy! I'll definitely put a share in. Again, so sorry.
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