Losing a pet really sucks.

Worst thing ever man. I feel for you. Lost my 9 year old pup in June and have been crying every day. Truly is the worst thing I have dealt with. Remember the good times
I feel your pain and know the feeling of letting your best friend down! Sorry for your loss! Very tough decisions are always mixed with second guessing because of the pain. You will always have the memories, thanks be to God. My memories are constantly popping up and give me a great comfort. Yours will do the same.

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Sorry to hear of your loss. Truly a difficult decision to make and I have had to make it three times over the last 27 yrs. Never gets easier but the time I had with each dog was well worth it.

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Sucks for sure. Put my big guy down in April. He was 13, cancer got him. Hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Hang on to the memories. I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers.

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A tough decision we all have to make when deciding to take on a new pet. Bittersweet. Always hard when the inevitable comes. They do provide some everlasting good memories.
Sucks man, I had to do the same recently. Now I feel like I should have done it sooner. She suffered way to long.

Maybe they are playing together on the other side...
Been there along with everyone else, when Max passed I told my wife that we were better for having him for 7 short years than having not had him. Made me feel a little better at least, we still miss him over 2 years later

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Sorry to hear that. We had to put our Boxer down this past Summer. Feels like the worst thing ever. Best thing is that they are not suffering any longer.
I've been through it...several times. It doesn't get easier...

It's the right thing to do for both of you...
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