Looking to upgrade


New member
I'm currently running the RE 3.5" short arm but it's too stiff for my liking and I finally have the finances to change it up. I'm looking towards the EVO plush ride coils with the King Shocks with compression adjusters. If I wanted to go this route, would there be anything else I would need? I'm guessing at least adjustable front lower CA's? Would it even be worth it to add on to the RE lift or should I just wait and save up some more and just replace everything and go with the EVO Double D? I'm getting really anxious about replacing my suspension but I wanna do it right the first (or second in my case) time. So basically switch out shocks and coils now, or wait and get the whole suspension system replaced at one time? '09 JKU
If you already have the RE arms you don't need the EVO arms. You need the front lowers of any arm at a minimum.
Did your RE kit come with adjustable upper arms? If so, you could still use them to set your caster.
Definitely could benefit from a set of adjustable front lowers at the very least. :yup:
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