Looking into new compressors


I just sold my viair 400p because I’m tired of airing up for 20 mins and am looking at getting something faster. Co2 is out of the question because I have nowhere to mount it, twin arb is also out of the price range. I am thinking of picking up the viair 400c twin pack and mounting them on top of my tuffy security deck. Does anyone have a similar setup?
Well I ended up going with dual 400C package and hard mounting them. I can air up 40s from 8-26 psi in 2:07 now instead of 5 mins per tire and they get considerably less hot. For a $300 investment I’m completely satisfied.

Posting for anyone else that may search the topic and be on the fence

Well I ended up going with dual 400C package and hard mounting them. I can air up 40s from 8-26 psi in 2:07 now instead of 5 mins per tire and they get considerably less hot. For a $300 investment I’m completely satisfied.

Posting for anyone else that may search the topic and be on the fence

View attachment 347450

Been looking at options so thanks for posting. Where did you purchase from?
Been looking at options so thanks for posting. Where did you purchase from?
I got them from hornblasters, I have used them in the past for service parts on my old compressor.

Thats a pretty clean install, do you have a small air tank in your enclosure for them as well?
I was going to run a 1 gallon tank but ended up just plumbing them to an air manifold. I only use them for airing up but I could easily replace the manifold with a small viair tank. On the manifold I just put a 75psi safety valve in case something was to nudge the on switch accidentally

It looks like they both just feed into a block, maybe they are 100% duty cycle?

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They’re actually 33% duty cycle but having 2 of them and how much air they move I don’t ever see myself getting close to that lol
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