Looking for new shocks


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Hi everyone I've been doing alot of research here and can't seem to find my answer . I don't like to post until I research .Currently running rough country's 3.25 lift kits but I hate it .My 07 jk handles like crap and I'm thinking on replacing the springs first . I mostly drive on the roads and do some beach driving I got 35s on my jeep . I feel it to be very loose in the steering when I go over bumps . I've added jks front adjustable trackbar , jks sector shaft with trackbar and next is teraflex steering stablizer . Just removed the dual rough country bc I didn't like it . I'm replacing all the front ball joints upper and lower with synergy ball joints , I would like to replace the shocks also but I'm going to start with my springs . What springs would you guys recommend for a 3.25 lift ? Please any help would be greatly appreciated . ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1383712354.569220.jpg
I would recommend if you have some Jeep buddies in your area with different lifts to see if they will let you drive their rigs to see how it responds.

I do know there are several on this forum who are running various spring manufactured by just about every company. Ride comfort is completely subjective. Some like a stiffer ride than others while on the other hand some like a more plush ride, then there ar those who are in the middle.

So the biggest question which needs to be asked is what specifically do you no like about your lift? Are the coils too stiff or not stiff enough? This will help get the input you are probably looking for.

I have a set of EVO plush ride coils coming in the mail and will be putting them on in the next couple of months, probably after Christmas. I picked up a set of 3 inch coils from another forum member.

Well I would have to say that I'm looking for a tighter ride . It just feels really loose . I don't know if you will be able to understand what I mean but I want a lifted ride that has more of a factory feel . Or close to it
I would recommend finding some Jeep buddies in the area who have different springs and ride around to see which one you like the best.
Thanks for the help . I have 2 of my other friends with jks and we all running the rough country setup and we all hate it lol . One of my buddies just purchased fox dual shock but has yet to install . I might wait n see how that feels .
It seems like my springs are slagging bc my rear right side looks a lot lower then the left side . That's another reason I want to get new springs.
Hi everyone I've been doing alot of research here and can't seem to find my answer . I don't like to post until I research .Currently running rough country's 3.25 lift kits but I hate it .My 07 jk handles like crap and I'm thinking on replacing the springs first . I mostly drive on the roads and do some beach driving I got 35s on my jeep . I feel it to be very loose in the steering when I go over bumps . I've added jks front adjustable trackbar , jks sector shaft with trackbar and next is teraflex steering stablizer . Just removed the dual rough country bc I didn't like it . I'm replacing all the front ball joints upper and lower with synergy ball joints , I would like to replace the shocks also but I'm going to start with my springs . What springs would you guys recommend for a 3.25 lift ? Please any help would be greatly appreciated . View attachment 55719

I wouldn't spend money on a teraflex steering stabilizer , use the stock SS or buy stock replacement if needed, you should be able to drive straight down the road without a SS it's not a solution but it is there to help when the road or obstacle grabs the wheel and makes those quick pulls. I used to run a set of RC shocks, they sucked, I'm much happier with the Bilstein 5100. Did they install a drop pitman arm with the lift? Do you have a front trackbar flip kit? are your track bar and drag link parallel to each other? this would cause steering issues...try to figure it out before you toss too much more $$$ at it, sounds like you've already spent some $$$ with no better results.
One more vote for the Evo 3". I have the 4" and they handle great on road and off. I currently have the Bilstein 5100 and want to eventually get Fox with resovoir.

Steering stabilizer is not needed unless you smash the factory stabilizer.
I wouldn't jump right to the shocks as the main cause. Lifting your jeep takes your jeeps geometry out of wack. So that being said some of the feelings of it being loose could be your caster. The way to address this is with adjustable arms. I'm assuming when you say lose you mean it feels like the jeep is not stiff in turns or changing lanes like it feels like maybe some body roll. Also 3.25 does raise your center of gravity so naturally it's going to feel less stiff your also dealing with more drag now that you are higher.
Thank you for all the great answers ! I have a set of AEV geometry control arm brackets that I have not installed yet . Does anybody have these installed ? And if so do they help . I was told its not needed on a 3.25 lift .
Thank you for all the great answers ! I have a set of AEV geometry control arm brackets that I have not installed yet . Does anybody have these installed ? And if so do they help . I was told its not needed on a 3.25 lift .

If it were me I'd install the brackets. As stated earlier your caster is off and adjustable arms would remove the flighty feeling you're feeling. Since you already have the brackets, install them and go from there.
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Thank you for all the great answers ! I have a set of AEV geometry control arm brackets that I have not installed yet . Does anybody have these installed ? And if so do they help . I was told its not needed on a 3.25 lift .

They are not needed for 3.25" of lift but, installing them will help correct your caster. Having said that, you will effectively lower your already weak control arm mounts closer to the rocks and I personally would NOT recommend installing them. Rather, I would opt for a set of adjustable front lower control arms to set your caster instead. Yes, they will cost more but, they will do the job better.

Having said that, a set of plush ride coils and a Rancho 7000 MT shocks will get you a more comfortable ride. Being that you're over 3" of lift, a draglink flip/front track bar relocation bracket will help improve your handling as well.
I have a 2.5 terra spring lift on an 09 jkur, jks adjustable track bars front and rear. A year or so ago I purchased the drop brackets and looked at them for a long time before I decided to put them on. I wasn't hearing great things about them and adjustable control arms sounded like the better option (which is the case). Anyway my wife hated the steering so I decided to put them on. Jeep drives awesome now. Steering is tight again and corners great. My. Jeep also sat lower on the passengers rear. It did this stock and also after lift. It's common. 1/2 in spring spacer on passenger rear spring fixed that. Jeep sits level and steering is great.

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Do what Eddie said. The adjustable control arms and drag link flip will make it handle much, much better. Then you can evaluate your springs and shocks. You might be happy with what you have after you fix the steering.
Any suggestion on a known brand to use and where to get the best price for these parts . I usually use quadratec to get most of my parts
Something looks off in the photo, maybe spring sag. Normally with 3+ of lift and 35s the gap between tire and fender is a lot bigger. I run a 3.5 RK with 35s and the gap is a lot bigger.

I also hate rc lifts, I have the 4 in x flex lift and mine feels terrible just like u described I have started replacing my parts of the lift part by part. I have jks parts in couple areas like trk bar and sway bar links and such and they have held up well and im very hard on my jeep the only parts of the rc lift that have held up are the adj. control arms all the other parts have bent or broken. im also lookin for good replacement parts . the only to brands ive used and are still working like they should r jks and rugged ridge. I don't think u could go wrong with them.
Any suggestion on a known brand to use and where to get the best price for these parts . I usually use quadratec to get most of my parts

I have bought shocks from Shockwarehouse.com they have great prices and fast shipping.

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