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So I have a 2022 Wrangler Sport Altitude. When we did the lift one step was to disconnect the lockers from the front axel. Or i thought thats what it was. We didnt find a connection on the rear axel. So my questions are:

1) does my jeep model have lockers? Did i miss them on the rear axel?
2) What are lockers used for, and when do i use them?
3) I was under the impression that lockers "locked" the wheels together right and left, or is it front and back?
4) I was also under the impression that when i put it in 4L or 4H all the wheels were locked together at that point. With a tight turn in 4H/4L on pavement the wheels chatter.
1) Your Sport will not have lockers on it. What you disconnected is probably your FAD.
2) Lockers will physically lock both sides of your axle shafts to the differential so that they both spin at the same time. This helps to provide positive traction on any wheel that has it. This is helpful to have on loose terrain or when one wheel has no traction at all.
3) Your impression was correct as I just stated in #2
4) 4H or 4L engages the transfer case so that both front and rear axles are being driven by their drive shafts. However, both axles are still OPEN unless they are locked and the wheels will still spin freely left to right. The wheel chatter you hear when turning is just the u-joints on the front axle binding up.
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In addition to @wayoflife’s response, I like to use this site to access a complete listing of all of my equipment. Just plug in your VIN and check out the different categories on the site. You have to navigate a bit, but you will find every option that your vehicle includes from the factory.

Not a direct answer to all of your questions, but it is a useful tool.
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Being that you live in Florida, I would say probably not. In fact, they're really not needed for most people or at least, in my opinion and especially being that the new JL and JT comes with such a good traction control system.
Ok, one project scratched off the list. 999 more to go. :)
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Being that you live in Florida, I would say probably not. In fact, they're really not needed for most people or at least, in my opinion and especially being that the new JL and JT comes with such a good traction control system.
I use my lockers in Fla. Then again i also wheel outside of the sunshine state also. Depending on where and how you plan to wheel will determine whether or not you opt to spend the money on lockers. That said make a winch your next investment if you don't already have them.
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