Locker Install Advice


New member
Hello everyone, the time has come for me to finally get a rear locker in my Jeep. Unfortunately I live nowhere near a decent shop, so I'm seriously considering doing the install myself. I've wrenched on my jeep a fair amount, I've installed a new front axle, along with many many other things, so I guess Im not totally helpless when it comes to mechanical stuff.

I have researched and understand the required measurements, and the process of installing a new differential. What Im struggling to find is info specific for a Non-Rubi, Dana 44. I can find the backlash and preload specs, but not much install wise.

On my list of tools to get are an in-lb torque wrench, possibly a case spreader, and an aluminum or bronze drift. I know there are bound to be some home gamers on here like me, and I really appreciate any advice you have to offer; especially related to the shims, bearing race removal, getting new bearings onto the locker, and getting a good wear pattern. Being the rear I know it needs to be nuts on, because it sees constant use.

It all depends on what kind of locker you are getting. Lunchbox, Actuator, Limited slip, OEM?

Ive had an Aussie Locker (lunchbox locker) In my DD 01XJ C8.25 and loved it. Install was dead simple, leave the case in there and just pull the spider gears.

There are general guidelines for case measurements, but precise numbers are specific to each unit.
Well I would be going full carrier replacement. I'm worried with an Aussie, the case would fail quickly with the 37s
Well I would be going full carrier replacement. I'm worried with an Aussie, the case would fail quickly with the 37s

Thats possible. My old XJ was only on 33s. I just loved the simplicity of it, and with a lifetime warranty i couldn't go wrong.
How rough was the Aussie on the road? My jeep is just a 2 door, one of the strong opinions on the internet is that they dont work good with auto lockers in the rear, especially considering I have a 6 speed.
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