For those of you who are self-employed, have you gone through your epically long, 2023 Annual Business Survey for the US Census Bureau? You know, the ones you have to fill out by LAW?!! Holy hell, I just finished mine and what a bunch of loaded BULLSHIT! I mean really, they only care about how you did in 2020-2022 and the whole fuckin thing read like a covid questionnaire looking for ways to get answers to make some kind of case. I was also really put off with all the lame ass "climate change" questions especially being that they didn't give you a way to answer "not applicable". Cindy and I literally work from home - why in the hell would I be worried about my "carbon footprint" or possible penalties if I didn't do anything to address it. I suppose if there was an upside to the survey, they only listed "male" and "female" as gender selections.
For those of you who didn't have to fill out one of these, here's a sample of what it looked like.
For those of you who didn't have to fill out one of these, here's a sample of what it looked like.
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