Little Help


New member
Ok so I am buying a 1991 jeep Cherokee Laredo from my good friend, it has a ether a fully rebuild or brand new straight 6 jeep motor in it and when we start it the check engine light comes on and it wont idle or stay started unless the gas is press in a little, sometimes it does stay started but 99% of the time it just dies. There are a few times that when we start it the check engine light is off and it seems to work and run like new. Any help in figuring this out would be great, I will be heading out this saturday to work on it and check all spark plugs wires and everything else to try and figure it out. Also it has a brand new battery that is two or three days old.:thinking:
Ok so I am buying a 1991 jeep Cherokee Laredo from my good friend, it has a ether a fully rebuild or brand new straight 6 jeep motor in it and when we start it the check engine light comes on and it wont idle or stay started unless the gas is press in a little, sometimes it does stay started but 99% of the time it just dies. There are a few times that when we start it the check engine light is off and it seems to work and run like new. Any help in figuring this out would be great, I will be heading out this saturday to work on it and check all spark plugs wires and everything else to try and figure it out. Also it has a brand new battery that is two or three days old.:thinking:

Mapp sensor. Measures manifold pressure to determine fuel ratio.
Start with basic maintenance stuff and go from there. You might wanna pick up a IAC motor and try that. Since you replaced the battery (I'm assuming) the computer will need to relearn itself. Take the battery cables off again and hold them both together for about 15 seconds. That should remove old stored codes and set the computer back to oem status. It'll run crappy for a while but it needs to relearn. After about 50 cycles it should smooth out.

Same thing happened on my 99. Replaced the battery and it ran like crap. After a day of starting and stopping running around town it was fine.
Thank you guys i will be going through and checking alot of stuff on it tomorrow once i get a chance to work on it and will be back on here if anything new comes up
Well it's still acting up but I had a friend come help me and we think the timing is off the distributor cap it off so we are going to redo all if that and see if that works
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