Lift kits?


Hi everyone, I just got a rubi last week and shhhhh! Dont tell the wife, but I already wanna lift it. I would like to run 35s or maybe even 37s cuz my buddy has some. I hear that coil overs is the way to go now a days. So what do you guys recommend.
For some reason this setup caught my eye. I really like it but it is pretty pricey, I think is called recon or something from rebel offroad down in the valley.
I would like to know, what some of you are running,.tires and size, lift, and so on. I really appreciate it thanks guys/gals
There are a bunch of build threads in this area of the forum;

I am running the EVO Enforcer lift and love it. It is simple enough to install yourself and is a great solution to having a very capable off road vehicle and a daily driver.

I can't speak about other lifts but mine does it's job very nicely. :thumb:

I think most on here would agree that coilovers give the best all around ride on and off road.
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Sweet thanks a lot man, I will check it out and I just realized that I posted this in the cj, tj thread of forum...sorry
WOL or one of the mods will move it when they find it. EDIT: looks like it's already been moved. :thumb:

Good luck.

Only other piece of advice I'd give is make sure you do alot of research before investing in a lift. Make sure you know where your headed with your Jeep. There are a lot of different lifts and they are NOT all created equal.
I'm running the EVO bolt on coilover kit along with a lot of other guys on here. It's a great kit and a pretty easy home install. It rides great and has great flex! I'm sitting on about 4" of lift with my 37's.

WOL or one of the mods will move it when they find it. EDIT: looks like it's already been moved. :thumb:

Good luck.

Only other piece of advice I'd give is make sure you do alot of research before investing in a lift. Make sure you know where your headed with your Jeep. There are a lot of different lifts and they are NOT all created equal.

Ok. will do, thank you
I'm running the EVO bolt on coilover kit along with a lot of other guys on here. It's a great kit and a pretty easy home install. It rides great and has great flex! I'm sitting on about 4" of lift with my 37's.

View attachment 43521

Ooooooooo! Now thats what im talking bout! Awesome rig Atch! Going to look into these, how much were they, if you dont mind me asking.
Ooooooooo! Now thats what im talking bout! Awesome rig Atch! Going to look into these, how much were they, if you dont mind me asking.

Thanks, you will need a new front drive shaft, wheels or spacers that will give you 3.5" of backspacing, and front lower control arms at a minimum to run this kit. For the kit it's roughly $3600.
Thanks, you will need a new front drive shaft, wheels or spacers that will give you 3.5" of backspacing, and front lower control arms at a minimum to run this kit. For the kit it's roughly $3600.

Your welcome and thank you, I will start searching for all those goodies real soon, I so cant wait to build up my jeep. And $3600 isn't too bad and its even a little cheaper than the recon coil overs
Your welcome and thank you, I will start searching for all those goodies real soon, I so cant wait to build up my jeep. And $3600 isn't too bad and its even a little cheaper than the recon coil overs

Idk about other brands but I know evo mfg spent a ton of time and money with king (those who make those blue coilovers you see) to set up the perfect on road/off road coilover on the market. Some brands sell you a coilover off the shelf that may perform great offroad but maybe not so good on the road, with evo you won't have that issue.
I think it was mentioned already. Make sure you put a lot of thought into what you will be doing with your rig. If your mostly going to be on dirt roads and mild trails, the expense of coil overs is unnecessary. However. If you are like me. I thought I just wanted a jeep to tool around roads and some mild trails. As time has proven. I was sooooo wrong. I enjoy going on the difficult trails with the big boys. If I could I would be running coil overs. It's the ultimate lift. It covers every aspect of 4wheeling. If it means waiting a bit longer. Wait man. It will be worth it.
Yeah as mentioned just research research research. I did and I changed my mind alot from my initial thoughts. I see you live in Apple Valley as do I. I'll pm you with my contact info and maybe we can meet to see what I'm rumming. PM'd
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