Let's see those gardens


New member
So I grew up with my Grandpa always having a huge garden at home. I have carried on the tradition the last few years, but have struggled with watering during the hot months and animals eating my hard work. I couldn't sleep today so I went out and moved some dirt to prepare for this years garden. Went with a new design to hopefully make life easier. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1428363154.033904.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1428363177.444667.jpg

Next step is setting up the automatic drip watering system and maybe a scare crow. Sure as shit my main garden enemy showed up while I was doing this. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1428363325.925637.jpg

Anyways, I'm sure some of you jeepers have a garden so let's see them!
So what did you end up planting Clem?

Up on the hill we can't start planting till about May. Just finished repairing all the irrigation lines to the fruit trees. Finally back on line with timers. Such a pain in the ass watering by hand and 200' of garden hose. lol
So what did you end up planting Clem?

Up on the hill we can't start planting till about May. Just finished repairing all the irrigation lines to the fruit trees. Finally back on line with timers. Such a pain in the ass watering by hand and 200' of garden hose. lol

I need to still set up a auto drip system. I'm also sick of hand watering. But I plant the usual, peppers, tomatoes, squash.. Gonna do onions this year.
Main beds planted with walls of water.


New bed mostly planted.


Nothing like a hot bed of compost.

Our garden in NC before buying our house in Ohio. Needless to say, we do a lot of canning.
60 tomato plants, 3 zuchinnis, 5 bush beans, 4 herbs, 5 broccoli, 12 brussel sprouts, potatoes, 8 candy roaster squash, 8 cucumbers. Later we put in the cantelope, butternut squash, and okra


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Hoping to be able to make a post in this thread featuring a garden by the end of the year!!
Our garden in NC before buying our house in Ohio. Needless to say, we do a lot of canning.
60 tomato plants, 3 zuchinnis, 5 bush beans, 4 herbs, 5 broccoli, 12 brussel sprouts, potatoes, 8 candy roaster squash, 8 cucumbers. Later we put in the cantelope, butternut squash, and okra

Nice. Ok here's my first. Not the nicest, but will serve it's purpose.

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