Late Notice Colorado Trail Run (Bill Moore Lake) (Sep. 5th)


New member
Hey guys I wanted to post up an invite for a lazy trail run that myself and anviljk will be running Bill Moore Lake trail in Idaho Springs this Saturday September 5th.

Depending on interest posted in this thread the current plan is to meet at the Starbucks in Idaho Springs around 11:30am.

Starbucks address:
1039 County Road 308
Idaho Springs, CO 80436

We will probably also run some of the other trails in the area (Red Elephant Hill, Spring Creek, Mill Creek, I dont know maybe Bed Bath and Beyond if we have time) Bill Moore Trail info

If there is interest maybe we could turn this in to an overnight camping trip over saturday night.
yeah the kids and I will come out for the bill more lake trail.

note, if you have interest in doing red elephant, it's only one way and you'll have to start at the bottom (even though it ties into the BM lake trail) the trail starts right down the road from the starbucks
Are we still settled on 11:30? Im fine either way, but we dont want to leave out Sparky.

Also, if we do Red Elephant Hill, CastleRockJeep, you might want to check out traildamage for that trail. You could meet us at the midway point where the trails meet if it looks like a bit much.
Are we still settled on 11:30? Im fine either way, but we dont want to leave out Sparky.

Also, if we do Red Elephant Hill, CastleRockJeep, you might want to check out traildamage for that trail. You could meet us at the midway point where the trails meet if it looks like a bit much.

Honestly, I am down for whatever. Are we going to try to make this an overnight trip? Should probably stop drinking beers and get ready for this.
I am able to meet up earlier in the morning than 11:30 if there is interest in that. We could run a trail or two and then meet anviljk and sparky when they arrive.
Alright, I already told the gf it was 11:30 so she went and planned a big breakfast. So lets meet then, at the starbucks in the top post. We can run up red elephant, maybe do the mill creek loop, then up to the lake. That should be a good day. :cool:
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