I spoke to the owner,
He said he would cut us a good deal to camp and ride up there one weekend and let every one knw there is a big thing up there calls freedom fear this weekend with pro rock climbing and everything 25 dollar a night or 50 for the 3 day weekend 10 and under free and can come a early and leave as u want and onl have to pay for the 3 days
He would give us the same deal if we made it a weekend thing. So I'll get more info on trail maps and such
More info on camping too please. Is it primitive only or is there running water and showers?
Looks pretty cool, what do y'all think
Have you wheeled there yet?
Looks pretty cool to me. I'm willing to take a ride as long as there's green trails lol
We did some blues too
You can come to mine....I was thinking about chopping my fenders sunday
I'll come hang out and help but I'm not chopping my fenders lol