Just wanted to confirm and I did - wayoflife is a douchebag


New member
To be clear, this is just your opinion - you have offered ZERO facts to back it up.

Do you have some kind of memory loss problem or do you just purposefully forget about the fact that the OP, you know, the guy who started this thread HAD HIS SPARE INSTALLED CORRECTLY when it STILL BROKE?? :naw:

That's because you are. Nobody gets butthurt the way you have or goes out of their way to defend a product that has been proven to break the way you do unless you work for the company or are a fanboy.

It's so funny how you can say on one hand that you never "dispute there was an issue with the initial version" and then in the same breath counter it by saying that you can't find an account of it from anyone else anywhere. Is it possible that maybe this forum may just have a lot more and a lot better information regarding matters concerning the JK? Is it possible that forums that are supported by TeraFlex and give away free tire carrier to their moderators might try to hide bad press for them? Is it possible that you are only choosing to see what you want to see?

So what do you care? So what if people are now reconsidering the purchase this tire carrier based on what they have seen here? For those who already have one, why would it matter that they now see it as something that is potentially dangerous and think of it as "shit"? What are you, the thought police?? I have posted up what I have seen and know. The OP on this thread has done the same and with the hope of alerting others of nothing more than to be AWARE and to keep an eye on their tire carrier. You would prefer that people have faith in them and the people who sold it to them and honestly, I just can't figure out why it matter so much to you.

That's not true at all, you could buy this tire carrier and have it shipped to you 2 weeks ago as it was in stock. More than likely, nothing else was in stock or would be for over a month.

Why should it be the responsibility for people on a forum to figure out anything?? If I buy a product and follow the instructions to a T, I should not have to figure out how to prevent it from breaking and potentially killing someone!! This is just crazy and I'm still dumbfounded at the lengths you will go to defend TeraFlex and their tire carrier and still not want to be called a fanboy. :naw:

Just calling it like I see it. You can take it however you want.

Just wanted to confirm and I did, everyone says you're a douchebag. I had been giving you the benefit of the doubt. Just like all the other contentious threads on this forum, they all end the same way. It's always explained by someone being a fanboy and you will belittle to no end. You truly are THE joke around the forums. I'm embarrassed now I even signed up.
Just wanted to confirm and I did, everyone says you're a douchebag. I had been giving you the benefit of the doubt. Just like all the other contentious threads on this forum, they all end the same way. It's always explained by someone being a fanboy and you will belittle to no end. You truly are THE joke around the forums. I'm embarrassed now I even signed up.

Glad to hear that you were able to find what you were looking for. It's amazing what you can find of the internet. First it was that your TeraFlex tire carrier could have no fault or that your vendor could have no incentive to sell you one and now, it's that I'm a douchebag. Congratulations :thumb:
Just wanted to confirm and I did, everyone says you're a douchebag. I had been giving you the benefit of the doubt. Just like all the other contentious threads on this forum, they all end the same way. It's always explained by someone being a fanboy and you will belittle to no end. You truly are THE joke around the forums. I'm embarrassed now I even signed up.

Then do yourself and everyone else on here and delete your account and never come back. Seems how you just signed up how could you call Eddie names? What has he done to you? If you don't like his opinions do everyone a favor and piss off mate!
LOL at his first post. It's all new but he knows everything and you're a douchebag Eddie.

Hey everyone, glad to be here. I'm on my second jeep, a 2014 Billet JKUR. I had it wheeling once at Superlift ORV in Arkansas. Right now I'm in the middle of installing a 3 inch lift with CAs. Just posted a drive shaft question. My first Jeep remained stock so this is all new for me. Hope you all can help me out and maybe I can contribute in the future.

Then do yourself and everyone else on here and delete your account and never come back. Seems how you just signed up how could you call Eddie names? What has he done to you? If you don't like his opinions do everyone a favor and piss off mate!

To be fair, he can't delete his account. If he's a man, he'll just leave and never come back. As far as what I have done to him goes? I questioned him, asked him for proof about things he was claiming to be facts and, when he couldn't produce, I dismissed him as a fanboy. Apparently, that got under his skin.

LOL at his first post. It's all new but he knows everything and you're a douchebag Eddie.

I dunno, maybe he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express :idontknow:
guys..seriously..stop pressing the issue and making post after post on this....this isnt the drama forum... lets all remember why we're here. if i had seen drama on wayalifes youtube videos i would have not joined this forum. lets follow through as great people all together! not anyone in specific. i just want people to settle down and enjoy their jeeps :yup:
Don't sweat him Eddie. Everyone here knows your awesome! I just like telling rude people to piss off when I get the chance.
i never really get into heated discussions, but from my observations, eddie merely gave a PSA on the flawed tf tire carrier. pictures don't lie.. that being said, some people just can't handle the truth or admit they bought a flawed product. I think eddie cares and strong on this issue because someone could get killed. calling him a douche bag isn't necessary imho. just my :twocents:
guys..seriously..stop pressing the issue and making post after post on this....this isnt the drama forum... lets all remember why we're here. if i had seen drama on wayalifes youtube videos i would have not joined this forum. lets follow through as great people all together! not anyone in specific. i just want people to settle down and enjoy their jeeps :yup:

Well, to be fair, these threads are moved out of their original Jeep related threads and into here, "The Pub". And, it is here that we do allow more room for people to discuss whatever. As you have mentioned, our videos don't have drama in them because the people in them aren't there looking to "confirm" what "everyone says" about me - that I'm "a douchebag". I hope you can understand that this is exactly what happened - this guy came on to my forum with an agenda and surprise, he found what he was looking for. Nobody went looking for him and nobody was trying to incite drama. But, when it comes, I think it's healthy for everyone to see and, if they so desire, comment on it as it helps to build the community. But then, that's just my opinion.
Where do these guys come from? Just crawl back under your bridge, troll. What, did u read some 3 year old thread on another forum, with a bunch of tards exchanging boo hoo stories about how the big mean Eddie banned them for doing nothing? Funny thing is, you got to be a real fuck up to get banned here... I can pretty much guarantee you every one of those whiny girly men broke a forum rule and either wouldn't accept what they had done wrong when called out on it, or even better, decided to run Their mouth like you have.... and really, truth be told, I like this forum without all the whining, arrogant, shit talking fanboys like yourself around. So please move along to what ever fairy tail land forum you like and enjoy exchanging reach arounds over your super strong terafucked carrier with like minded morons, whilst basking in rays of rainbows and candy canes.
And angry Aussie, I really liked the last part of your message to this troll:)

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well youre realizing who stands behind you in the jeep community on here and elsewhere assuming you know some of these people in person.
Thanks bro. It bothers me when people come on here and be so rude. I don't get that. Eddie is always so nice and helpful. How does he not have any manners or know how to treat people? And the fact he has Texas in his name kills me. I like thinking those of us from Texas have southern hospitality and are kind and polite people.
i have great respect for Eddie and cindy and all they do so idk why people bash him so bad. when Mcpuck came out East to wheel with us at Rausch creek all we could talk about was his wheeling adventures out west and asking him about eddie. Mcpuck had nothing but great things to say about him! i cant wait to meet eddie and all the west coast wayalifers soon!
I'm a newbie to the forum and I have to say overall Eddie and the crew that run the forum have run it in a very open manner, they don't banish people for expressing their opinions or ideas on matters. They do question peoples reasoning for why they do things, but that is what most sensible people refer to this give and take as a "intelligent and engaging conversation", something that I have seen lack on other web sites.

All I have read on these posts is a group of people that spend their time helping share experience's and knowledge with fellow jeepers so everyone can enjoy their Jeeps to the fullest. Its sad to see that a small (very small) group of people spend a significant amount of time bashing the people crew running this site just because they don't agree with an opinion or idea.

with my two cents tossed in....

Thank you Eddie and crew for a place that lets us learn from each other and continue to share ideas and experiences.

And for those that disagree with me...
“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.” ― Thomas Jefferson
I love how its always the "fanboys" of the "other" forums that come on here and talk shit. Two things to note:

Notice how they never come on Wayalife and engage in sincere conversation or even mild hearted disputes? No, they come here clearly with an agenda. Why bother coming here then.

Second, also notice how none of the nearly/more than 10,000 members of Wayalife don't get banned from these other forums.

So exactly who are the douchebags again. It's not any of the Wayalifers I know or talk here. 👍

- Jason
So does this thread make a Hat-trick for the day? LOL. These things seem to come it waves. I imagine the walls in Eddie's "Man Cave" looks much like a Trophy Hunters house, only instead of bear and deer mounted on the wall he has plaque's with the names of former members of Wayalife and JK-Forum lol.
As mentioned, these things seem to come in waves and will pass as quickly as they came. Thank you all for being able to see things for what they are and for your continued support.
I imagine the walls in Eddie's "Man Cave" looks much like a Trophy Hunters house, only instead of bear and deer mounted on the wall he has plaque's with the names of former members of Wayalife and JK-Forum lol.

couldn't resist.....

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