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I know I post a lot and not nessecerely needed but I have to share this because this is one of those days that just don’t fucking happen ever!!!

My wife and I just got married today and it was one of the most spectacular of our life and not just because the marriage.
If anyone knows parking in sanfran you know the nightmare. Yesterday in the 8th it started. We pulled up to get our marriage license and snagged a spot someone was pulling out of maybe 100 yards away from the court house. Lucky score.
Got to our hotel that night to check in. Got the last parking spot in the whole garage and it was right in front of the elevators to the Hyatt regency (hotel complementary of her family) lucky score again.
Fast forward to today.
We started out getting ready around 630am, got to the court house in San Fran and got married while almost missing to our own wedding in the beginning due to traffic. Because I am a photographer as a hobbyist we opted to shoot our own pictures, made my life hell at times but totally worth it and saved around a grand or more just in photos. Camera used was a Nikon d90 with an rikon 85mm prime lens. Those photos I’ll edit and upload at a later date. Here are some pics onmy phone and these actually were from someone else
IMG_1929.jpg the lady to the far left was a random tourist from Taiwan, she saw us getting married partially because we were second in the docket and just started shooting, she also recorded the actual ceremony. We talked afterward and I tried to exchange numbers, Facebook and Instagram but with the hustle bustle going on I couldn’t spend much time trying to figure it out since her whole phone was in Taiwanese plus I had to set up my camera and set my shots up. Miraculously later at dinner around 830 I got a message on Facebook, this lady had taken the time to find me, and send me the best photos she had and the video on Facebook since we really liked what she took. Score for us for pictures and a new friend and score 100 bucks for her (comes out to about 3k in her currency, she just doesn’t know we will send t to her yet).

So we spent about an hour or 2 taking pictures at city hall and got the best lighting and halfway monopolized the whole top stairs while we were there.
Next stop, bubba gumps shrimp co. On pier 39. It starts again, with parking in the spot closest to the pier as someone was pulling out and As soon as we step out of the car we had people yelling congrats and all that jazz. Even had a double decker bus stop and say congrats over the loud speaker and announce it to 60 some odd passengers! We get there to bubbas, no one is in the place so we got ocean view seating for a party of 9. My dad randomly opted for the bill. Score, and thanks dad.
We left and went back to the front of peir 39 to decide what to do next for the day before we went to the aquarium. I stepped out to talk to a rickshaw to see if we could go on a town tour thing. Got his personal number and a discount for whenever we wanted a ride because we got hitched. Score.
As I was walking back to the group, a guy spotted me and asked if I just got married. I said yes and he promptly handed me a 20$ and said “buy you and your wife a stiff drink. On me.” I tried to refuse out of generosity and he literally pushed it into my chest and said “no, please. Both of you have a wonderful day and be happy with each other company. Let me do this for you.”
Thanks random dude! And major score!
When I get back to the group 10 seconds later, the manager of operations for the pier found us. He not only got pictures of us to put on the pier 39 website but he gave us free VIP tickets to the ferry, ticket boat, 7D arcade, carosoul, aquarium and the like for our whole party (they also don’t expire till next year. He also gave me his personal number for if we need anything during our stay in San Francisco. Major score.IMG_1869.jpg (this wasn’t all of the passed either[emoji15])
We spent all day at the pier and got 3 items knocked out, out of about 10. IMG_1880.jpg
On the ferry ride we got to meet and hang out with the captain and got a picture with them. (I grew up on a sailboat sailing all over the bay and watching these ships and ferry’s go by so it was epic to finally meet a captain of one)IMG_1915.jpg
Finally, it was time to eat and we go to ossos steak house. Again, the only parking spot on the street for 1 mile is literally right in front of the ossos. Parallel park and score!IMG_1919.jpg
We walk in and my grandpa was talking to the bartender there. I got a free drink of anything I wanted so I chose my favorite, an old fashioned. IMG_1920.jpg score. And I gotta say, any bartender that’s Irish knows how to make a good one[emoji23]IMG_1932.jpg
We sit down, and grandpa pulls me aside and says “I got the bill, order what ever you guys want. My treat.” Not gonna argue with a retired SEAL so thanks pop. Score! Then he got us all 2 bottles IMG_1922.jpgIMG_1925.jpg it was almost a 4.5 hour dinner but holy shit that was amazing!IMG_1926.jpg I didn’t get the other pictures of the full king crab, crab appetizer and Mac n cheese. Plus all the bottomless kettle bread!!!
Our server Shaun bent over backwards for us the entire night. Was a fanoninal man here.IMG_1934.jpg
At the time of the check, the other parties tried to help with the bill. Pop took that money and gave it to use knowing our financial situation and with the kiddo on the way and said “if you could have free cash what would you use it for” and we both said bills and debt first off. He promptly gave us the cash the others had offered with their approval.
We then all got to talking in our separate little round for a bit and he pulled me aside again and said he’s gonna help get the ranger 23 set up and go sail. (Side note the ranger 23 is an old stiff racing boat and he’s had it sitting in his yard since before I was born. I had always wanted to fix it since I was a kid but never always had the cash.) He also told me the reason he sold his main sailboat in the bay a few years back and well, let’s say once that ranger is up to par I’ll be the proud owner of a new sailboat. (Next to motocross, sailing is all I know and love. I grew up on boats and love the water and ocean.)
Fucking. Score. 10,000 times!!!!!!!
After we left ossos it was time for the drive back to the hotel. I read the map wrong and we drove 30 minutes in the wrong direction in downtown sanfran. I.e. 10 miles[emoji23]

So now, I’m sitting on the growler posting this insanely long post that no one gives 2 shits about because why the hell not, and I’m in a damn good mood!

All in all. We spent 40$ in gas, 209$ total for the ceremony and made over 400$ on our own wedding and still had a blast doing it and got professional quality pictures for the cost of my wife dealing with me lugging a camera around for the day.

Sorry for the long ass post guys, just super stoked and had to throw this out somewhere!IMG_1907.jpgIMG_1917.jpg

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This is an amazing post! Congrats to you both (and the little on the way!!)
You two are a beautiful couple and I could feel the love between you leaping from this post! Life is an amazing ride and even more amazing with a best friend by your side through it!
Best wishes!!

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
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