July 16 - Denver Area Run - Spring Creek (No Stockers)


Caught the Bug
We're doing it again - 2nd run of the summer. This one is NOT for stockers!

Date: July 16 9AM

Meeting Place: Downieville Starbucks

Trail: Spring Creek (http://www.traildamage.com/trails/index.php?id=36)
Trail Rating: 6-8 (Moderate to Difficult)

2. boardsurfer
3. Slimebones
4. d-nought
6. acamp75
7. CJW

1. anviljk
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I see winches and busted tail lights. Unless I'm on 37s by then due to some financial miracle, I'll sit this one out. I might be up for co-piloting if someone is willing to take me though. I'd love to get the experience of watching/helping others through the obstacles.
It's times like these that I miss my XJs'. Without the fear of damage, which it didn't get, and a lot of time my stock $750 XJ made it. But now I'm too scared to take a much bigger, better built JK. HaImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1466029999.995554.jpg

Edit: This was in 2007, I think, so I'm sure the trail is different and probably more difficult.
What, did I scare you guys off? From what i understand Spring Creek isn't that bad. It's not easy, but it's not hard unless it's wet.
How would you compare this to MSV/Coney? Honestly? I've done that one, so that will give me something to compare to.
This trail is not bad at all! I posted a video of the first obstacle, which is the hardest one, the other day. The first obstacle had a bypass too. The silver JK in the video is open front and rear. And I have 33s!!!

I will see if I can go!
This trail is not bad at all! I posted a video of the first obstacle, which is the hardest one, the other day. The first obstacle had a bypass too. The silver JK in the video is open front and rear. And I have 33s!!!

I will see if I can go!

Ok. This makes me feel better. That video scared the shit out of me, lol. Put me down as maybe. I'll see what our schedule is.
The first obstacle is not bad at all. The white JK is a manual and is open front and rear and he made it up on his second or third try.

I really like this trail and it's so close to Denver!
Yeah I wanna go. I personally do not see how this trail could be done without lockers. Must be some really fine driving skills.
I've never run it but I've always heard it's not too bad - It's a typical make it as hard as you want it kind of run from what I've heard, but never actually seen it so should be fun.
Thanks for putting this run together. It was fun and nice to meet everybody. Also, I with a little research, I have a progressive coupler in the tcase, so output power can come and go, I may swap it out someday, we'll see.

Edit: This was supposed to be posted on the slaughterhouse thread.
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