JKU rear door glass replacement


Somehow got locked out of my rig miles into the desert last week. Not a good feeling. unsuccessfully tried to smash window with rocks. big friggin rocks like 25lbs..beat the crap out of it- finally gave up as I thought it would ruin the door.
rear door has plastic instead of glass or what??? Is this t
oem or A/M part...
Somehow got locked out of my rig miles into the desert last week. Not a good feeling. unsuccessfully tried to smash window with rocks. big friggin rocks like 25lbs..beat the crap out of it- finally gave up as I thought it would ruin the door.
rear door has plastic instead of glass or what??? Is this t
oem or A/M part...
Safelite quoted me around $260 to replace the glass.

Build Thread - Adventures of Fiona - https://wayalife.com/showthread.php?t=47407
You can get a key cut at a locksmith that will open the doors. It won't start the jeep and the alarm will go off (no chip in a steel key), but it will save your bacon in a lock out situation. I keep one in a magnetic lock box hidden somewhere under my jeep.

Good to know the side windows are strong.

Some pockets knives and multi tools have a carbide window breaker point on them. I guess to shatter safety glass you need a sharp point, not a dull rock.
getting key cut today...i left huge gouges in glass as rocks were very pointy. cant believe it wouldnt break.

after deciding I didnt want to break 2 windows i found a 6ft piece of long rebar 1/4 mile back that someone had left for a target stand. ripped out my hood support rod and used it to pry top corner of passenger door open enough to slide in rebar to push drivers door handle lock.
worked! Still feel like an idiot though...
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