JK Truck-lites

Voodoo Actual

New member
Got myself a pair of Truck-Lite headlights and Truck-Lite fog lights yesterday and installed them.

I have IPF 968 lights with 100 watt bulbs. Which are now...obsolete. Great light for the money; no comparison.

Absolute fireballs.
Have you had a chance to use the fogs yet?

If so, how well do they illuminate the foreground, and sides? They're getting a pretty bad rap for being much weaker than the JWSpeaker fogs.

I find that the Rigid Dually floods in the OEM fog location don't throw much light to the sides but they do well in the foreground. It turns out that the TL headlamps get the sides at least as well as the OEM HL/fog combo though.

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I also have the Trucklite headlights AWESIME and need to change over fogs. I found an led bulb only.... that fits stock JK fog housing, $35/ea. no special bracket etc. needed has anyone used or known someone to use just led bulb?

Sent From Galaxy S4
Have you had a chance to use the fogs yet?

If so, how well do they illuminate the foreground, and sides? They're getting a pretty bad rap for being much weaker than the JWSpeaker fogs.

I find that the Rigid Dually floods in the OEM foge location don't throw much light to the sides but they do well in the foreground. It turns out that the TL headlamps get the sides at least as well as the OEM HL/fog combo though.


I haven't put my fogs in yet - will in a few days.

I did however compare the JW and TL fogs next to each other and it's about the same.

The purpose of fogs is to illuminate what is immediately in front of you. From what I have seen, the TL and JW's do that well. I've seen the Rigid solutions. They are nice but they seem to have less flood coverage. The TL also operate on the factory fog switch which is something that I wanted.

The TL headlamps do a nice job of illuminating everything on Low beam. On Hi they turn into fireballs.

The Truck-Lite fogs fit in bumpers that have accommodations for OEM fog lights such as, ARB; AEV; PSC etc. They do not fit in OEM bumpers without modification. If you bothered to get brackets that bolt to the factory fog light location you probably aren't interested in cutting and grinding on your OEM bumper. In the TL catalog, you can see the JK lights in a factory bumper are mounted in the right location however they are mounted in the out side of the bumper and pushed through (for lack if a better description).

I wanted to use the TL fogs to match my headlight but...it just wouldn't work.

I took the TL fogs and brackets back to Northridge - they took the lights and brackets back without hesitation. Great service.

Got myself Rigid Dually Floods with brackets to set the light in the OEM fog location. Nice brackets. Higher quality than the TL brackets and they allow for adjustment which is something the TL brackets do not.

Truck-Lite headlights, Low:

TL headlights, Hi:

Rigid Dually Floods:

TL, Low w/ Floods:

TL, Hi w/ Floods:

One or two drawbacks but overall this is a pretty good combination.
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