JK strange winding noise


My jeep 08' JKU started making a strange spinning/winding noise today. Jeep only makes the noise when vehicle is in motion doesn't seem to becoming from transmission or motor. My jeep is an 08'',3.8L , 6 speed, 37's with after market driveshafts. I've been racking my brain trying to find the source but no luck. Does anyone have any ideas? Any theory's or thoughts would be appreciated.
30k toyo MT's

doesn't sounds like worn tires? I know my 37 KO2's sounded differently on the last rotation, I think that makes about 24-28k miles on them. it threw me for a few days until I realized it was the tires.
doesn't sounds like worn tires? I know my 37 KO2's sounded differently on the last rotation, I think that makes about 24-28k miles on them. it threw me for a few days until I realized it was the tires.

I don't think it's the tire's. I kind of thing it's more drivetrain and suspension. Sounds like a weird rattle.
Check your brakes, both for wear and for little pebbles. Check your U-joints on driveshafts and the front axle end joints.

Same noise going forward or reverse?
Speed make a difference?

Have someone else drive it and you stand outside and listen if it occurs at a slow enough speed. Listen on one side first and then the other.

Do you have a GoPro?

I thought I blew out the hub on my Nissan a while back but it was just a stupid little pebble lodged in the brakes.

Good luck finding it and here's hoping it aint to expensive of a fix.
I will give these things a try. With the axle bearings I will be having my new gears installed in a few weeks. So I will have this issue addressed.
Lift up your front wheels and spin them see if you can isolate the sound. I did the same when my passenger unit bearing went out.
Jack it up and run it on the jackstands. See if you can isolate the noise that way.

EDIT: What Frank said.
I jacked up the jeep today and went over every thing , but couldn't even hear the sound at all. It only makes a noise at speed when the jeep is in motion.
Pinion bearing.

While I was checking every thing out today I did notice some gear oil dripping off the rear pumpkin. I can be cruising down the road at 45mph no noise then let of the gas an there it sounds. Might be a pinion bearing?
I tried up loading a video but it keeps saying error. Any other suggestions for uploading my video?
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