JK Outer Drag Link Socket Replacement

So I found the culprit I think is responsible for my DW.
When I cycle the steering there's a fat click coming out of this bugger..



To my relief, it's a cheap part to replace.

My question is, how does one go about replacing it yourself?
I'd feel pretty chuffed with myself if I can say I've fixed my own DW.

Problem is, I'm pretty sure it's not as simple as unbolting the draglink from the pitman, twisting out the socket, twist new one in and bolting it back to the pitman?
Or is it that simple? :crazyeyes:

Any advice on the matter will be greatly appreciated :rock:
Pretty much that simple. Measure the center of the joint to where it screws into the draglink then unscrew it. Screw in the new one to the drag link as far as the other one was. Then mount back up to the pitman arm. After that just fine tune to make sure you steering wheel is centered. Now you're done and hopeful long that fixed your DW.
I see your location is South Africa that would explain why it looked like your pic was taken in the mirror. You're driving a right hand drive aren't you?...haha
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