JGL 4.5" Cannon 25 Watt Led Driving Lights


Well received a sample set of JGL Cannon 25 Watt 4.5" driving lights, these appear to be copies of Vision X Light Cannons. They claim 1000' of usable light, just like the Vision X. Given the price difference I am expecting a difference in light output. I have purchased a light meter for testing. While I won't have a 1000' test range I should be able to get a good test distance on a straight stretch of road. I plan on installing these over the weekend and will get results posted as soon as possible. The package arrived a little wet, but I believe that was a Fed Ex issue and not JGL. If these work I may try to set up a group buy on other lights they sell or on these. These did include an amber light cover and a two lamp harness with switch and relay, the packaging was sturdy and protected the product well. Now for the pictures

The install went well, What to say about the lights the build seems pretty good, down side is the wiring harness, it doesn't come with a lighted switch and the connector from the relay to the switch is not water proof, in fact the power to the switch comes directly from the battery. As far as testing the output, there is about 100 lux difference between each light from about 7 feet away. The one on the drivers side was reading 1200 lux while the passenger side was between 1100 and 1000 varying quite a bit. The amber lens cap really impacts the light output, changing the light from a spot light to more of a flood light and drops the lux down to a little over 230 average for the two lights. I believe this would be great to use when running in a group of vehicles in the woods as you can look at them without it being overpowering. As stated earlier these are similar to the Vision X light Cannons, I do not believe these are as powerful as the Vision X light cannons and clearly do not give a 1000' of useable light. I would really like to test these side by side with a Vision X light Cannon.
As you can see I am starting to get a bit of a rats nest, so one of my next project needs to be the DIY power source.

In the last photo you can see the fence in the front and the rear fence the distance on the front fence is 216 feet from where I was parked and the rear fence is 323 feet from the front of the Jeep. To the power pole in the background is 506 feet away, these measurements were taken off of Google earth so not exact science.
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While waiting for my girls to get out of girl scouts I took the time to measure a distance of 20 feet from the base of the lights to the church wall. I used a tape measure and placed the light meter on the wall. There was some ambient light, but the location did reduce the effects on the meter. I am not certain why I got a different result this time, the engine was running as to being off as in the first readings also could have a background effect the light, or was I able to better identify the beam? But this time I took photos to show the results.
Beam output, to me the driver side looks brighter, but they measured very close. The passenger side is adjusted a little higher at this time.

driver side cannon

passenger side cannon

Cannons, the stop sign is 1675 feet from where I was setting. I tried finding the airport land mark on the ground which is exactly 1000' from the intersection, but it has been worn off the roadway.

video driving with cannons on, the camera on my phone did not pickup the light all that well, they are plenty bright for driving with them alone on.
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