JEEP vinyl hood treatment


New member
I bought this 2 years ago thinking I would apply it but I have something different now.

FREE to a caring and welcoming home, just pay shipping.

Looks like high quality, thick stuff.

Mods at the speed of Caltrans
No sir, I am intuitive and resourceful, or so I like to tell myself.:brows:

Funny, I've got to watch what goes on my Facebook.
That's a nickname my sister gave me when I was born. She couldn't say ugly so she said wugly. It stuck around Coronado most of my life. Old friends still call me Wug. Thus my handle: PstrWug

Mods at the speed of Caltrans
I bought this 2 years ago thinking I would apply it but I have something different now.

FREE to a caring and welcoming home, just pay shipping.

Looks like high quality, thick stuff.

Mods at the speed of Caltrans

Is it one of these??


How much you think that would that cost to ship to 33950..... I wonder ?

I'll give you $18.79

Is it one of these??

View attachment 57131

How much you think that would that cost to ship to 33950..... I wonder ?

I'll give you $18.79


That looks just like it! Except in says Jeep on mine.
I'm not selling this, it's yours!
I'll roll it into a tube and check on shipping for ya!
Go ahead and PM me your name and address.

Mods at the speed of Caltrans
Truth be told, at home we call you "THE WUG", but you had already told us the story behind it.

We are Jeep..Resistance is futile..
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