Jeep Mascots?!? Show em' off!


New member
Well I hope I'm not the only one on this entire forum that has a mascot for my Jeep.... But if I am, so be it, I hope you guys and gals will pick up the habit. :)

This is Melvin, simply a TY beanie baby that my wife liked and I adopted it as the jeep mascot. He's seen every mile the jeep has since we bought it!
This is upsetting! I can't be the only one. I'll be getting a picture of my buddies mascot in his TJ tomorrow, then I won't feel like the weirdo who drives around with a stuffed animal in his jeep... 😳
I've got a skeleton thats about a foot long... He goes on all the offroad trips with me. No pics unfortunately.. I'll take some this saturday at my clubs 2nd anniversary ride.
I have an old teenage mutant ninja turtle that my mom had found in a box in my old room. He is Raphael in a space suit. Lol. I have him in camo also and I think that will be the mascot for my commando green jk. Lol.
See, I knew I couldn't be the only one! Just no one wants to admit they drive around with a stuffed animal all the time, or part of the time. Hahahaha
I have fog horn leg horn strapped in my backseat have since day one will snap a pic in a little while

Sent from my JK
Jack has been following my wife and I around for a number of years. He started in the Cherokee and is now on the trail with us in the JKUR.

Hmm...I have Wilbur the Wildcat sitting in my office. I may have to find a place for him in my JK, named Wilbur.
My girlfriends duaghter put a stuffed frog in the center of my dash. she wants me to get pics of it everytime we go offroad. i'll have to put the pic of it up when i get off work tomorrow.
Is there a story behind this!?!?!?

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I was Always told never to wheel alone and he's been wheeling with me since 07 when I kidnapped him from a friend but The only problem with George is that I can't teach him to keep his had inside the jeep. :-(ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1370324123.032475.jpg
Just 'ol Wilson

Wilson's been on a lot of adventures with me over the past few years. He's seen; Germany, France, Luxemburg, Afghanistan and from SoCal to Central Texas (not always on the Jeep, but the Jeep is his true home).
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