Jeep/JK 101 for a newbie


New member
Hey Everyone. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, and being that I am a little young and new to the Jeep community, maybe you can start me off on the right foot. Is there a thread or some place I can learn about a lot of the terms you guys throw around here, with pictures if possible (I'm a visual learner). I read the FAQ thread already and was able to get through it with only 1 or 2 items I didnt know about but I am always eager to learn more. To be more specific, when you guys are talkin about long arms or anti roll bars and where a newbie like me would be able to find them on the vehicle (those were just examples as I know where to find those). And I would actually like to thank Eddie for posting those great threads up for someone like me to have a great source of information like that. Anything you guys can offer me or even any advice for a newbie would be greatly appreciated!

btw go easy on me. :ahhhhh:
At the top of the screen there is a box and a orange go button it will search the forum for other like terms, also google for quick terms. but never be afraid to jump in and ask 9/10 times you will get a answer from people on here!
Hey Everyone. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, and being that I am a little young and new to the Jeep community, maybe you can start me off on the right foot. Is there a thread or some place I can learn about a lot of the terms you guys throw around here, with pictures if possible (I'm a visual learner). I read the FAQ thread already and was able to get through it with only 1 or 2 items I didnt know about but I am always eager to learn more. To be more specific, when you guys are talkin about long arms or anti roll bars and where a newbie like me would be able to find them on the vehicle (those were just examples as I know where to find those). And I would actually like to thank Eddie for posting those great threads up for someone like me to have a great source of information like that. Anything you guys can offer me or even any advice for a newbie would be greatly appreciated!

btw go easy on me. :ahhhhh:

Depends on what you want know. A lot of the learning comes with the DIY projects a lot of us do. If you don't know what something means or need something explained specifically, just ask :)
A direct answer to fully explain things like the pros/cons of long arm suspension, and the geometry involved, as well as all the information available about sway bars and disconnects would take a post the length of a book. I would suggest that you visit this, and other forums frequently, and when you have a specific question about something, Do a related search, or even a google search for the exact answer you are looking for. Jeeps can be very technical and specific depending on what each owner is trying to get out of his/her jeep experience.

Youtube is also an invaluable learning tool, as you are a visual learner.

I spend 10 times as much time on the internet researching my own questions as I do asking others, mostly because I enjoy the search and self initiated learning.

For example,, do a search of long arm vs short arm suspension for jeep. That alone will keep you busy for the rest of the day.

Sorry I cant be more specific,, but, again,, there are just too many variables. good luck!
Welcome to Wayalife!

Read here to help you better navigate and search threads and use Google in general:

Also check out for all the visuals you need. Look at the write-ups and general maintenance pages to better familiarize yourself with your Jeep.

I will say there is no substitution for crawling underneath your Jeep and seeing how things work, what they are connected to and how to get to them.
I will say there is no substitution for crawling underneath your Jeep and seeing how things work, what they are connected to and how to get to them.

Couldn't agree with this more! I just did shocks/springs and added swaybar QDs this weekend. Absolutely NOTHING compares to hands on when it comes to understanding how things work and how they work together.
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