I've tightening my parking brake twice in two weeks, it's loose yet again


New member
So for the last two Saturdays in a row I have tightened my parking brake. I've taken off the rear tires/calipers and used the brake spoon to tighten the star wheel/nut. Each time it worked great for a couple days but by Wednesday each week it's loose again and won't hold my jeep on a hill. The first time I chalked it up to settling or poor workmanship (user error). However, after having it happen twice in a row I'm thinking that isn't it. Of course, it's still possible I'm doing something wrong but for the first couple days the brake is nice and tight. Then it's all the way up and the Jeep is rolling.

Any ideas on what the deal is and how to fix it? Is it possible I'm doing something wrong?

I've looked up and down online and I haven't found anything super helpful regarding this specific issue. Apologies if I missed it somewhere!

2012 Jeep Wrangler Sport Unlimited.
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Have you removed the rotor and inspected the shoes and associated mechanism? When you adjusted, could you spin the tire/wheel?

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I removed the rotor only on one side (driver's). The passenger side wouldn't budge even after loosening the parking brake star wheel all the way. I guess that's a different issue I need to tackle! Any ideas on how to get it off without destroying it? I worked it over pretty aggressively with a hammer (not on the rotor portion) but it did nothing.

As far as inside the rotor everything on the driver's side looked ok. No excessive wear and nothing was loose or broken. Should there be something I'm looking for specifically? I'm guessing I'll be back at it again this weekend so maybe I'll take some pictures.

When I adjusted the brakes I could spin the wheels/rotors. I could feel/hear the resistance of the parking brakes and when I tested it the parking brake lever would stop just over 1/2 way up (maybe 4-5 clicks).

And yes, when adjusting the star wheels, the parking brake was fully down.
Yeah, I did try that. Guess I need to keep working it. This weekend will be go #3 and I won't stop until I get that rotor off so I can check it & take pictures.

If this weekend is a fail I may have to take it to my guy.
If you have an air chisel (with flat end,not pointed) you can work it in and around the flat area at center. Sometimes just the constant vibration will do it.

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